
Introduction to Data Structures in ColdFusion Part III – Lists

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In the past two articles, we’ve discussed some of the more complex data structures in ColdFusion. While arrays and structs are extremely useful for very specific tasks, you’ll probably find yourself using lists more often. Fortunately, lists are extremely easy to manage in ColdFusion.

For all you Java, C++, and Visual Basic developers, I’m going to let you know now that you’ll be extremely jealous of ColdFusion after reading this article. ColdFusion makes it very easy to manipulate lists with its built-in functions. And with a little creativity, a good ColdFusion developer can surely find several million ways to make use of a list.

What is a List?

First, let’s define what a list is in ColdFusion terms. A list is simply a string. The only difference between a string and a list is that a list is delimited by a specific character or set of characters. You can use any string as a list, and any list can be manipulated just like any string. For example, a,b,c,d,e,f,g is a comma delimited list. Or you could use a/b/c/d/e/f/g — a forward-slash delimited list. The default delimiter for a ColdFusion list is the comma. Also, be aware that a/b/c is not the same as a / b / c. ColdFusion does not trim the white space from list elements. If a list includes spaces, you may want to use the Trim function on the elements.

Lists in Action

So, now that we know what ColdFusion defines as a list, we’ll begin using lists. First of all, let’s try getting the length of a list.

<cfset listLength = ListLen("a,b,c,d,e")>
ListLen will return the value 5 to the variable listLength. That's pretty simple, but here's a challenge for you: what is the value of listLength after the following code is executed?

<cfset listLength = ListLen("a,b,,c,,d,e")>

If you guessed 5, you’re right. The reason is that ColdFusion ignores empty list elements. Now, let’s say that we want to display every element in the list. This is extremely easy:

<cfloop list="a,b,c,d,e" index="i"> 
   <cfoutput> #i# <br /></cfoutput>

This code displays each list element on a separate line. Now, if you have a list stored in a variable, don’t forget to put pound signs (#) around the variable name when you pass it to the list attribute of the loop. Otherwise, it will not work correctly.

<cfset list = "a,b,c,d"> 
<!--- this works fine --->
<cfloop list="#list#" index="i">
   <cfoutput> #i# <br /></cfoutput>

<!--- this outputs "list" --->
<cfloop list="list" index="i">
   <cfoutput> #i# <br /></cfoutput>

Just be sure to wrap the variable name in pound signs when you loop over a list.

List Functions

There are also a few list functions that we must cover very briefly before we move on to bigger and better things. We’ve talked about ListLen, which returns the length of the list. ListLen takes one required parameter, which is the list you want to check the length of, and one optional parameter that specifies the delimiters you want to use. So, you can find out how many words are in a sentence by doing this:

<cfset words = ListLen("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", " ")>

Notice that the second parameter specifies that the string passed in the first parameter is a space delimited list. After execution, the words variable contains the value 9.

Another useful function is ListContains. This will search the list for a substring and return a Boolean value that indicates whether the substring was found as a list element.

<cfset found = ListContains("12,15,186,99,0", "18")>

Notice that this returns false because the substring “18” is not an element in the list we passed as the first parameter. Notice that we do have 186 in the list, but because there is no element that is an exact match. If you were to use the contains operator in an if statement, it would have returned true:

<cfif "12,15,186,99,0" contains "18">  
   this is true.  
ListContains will also take an optional third parameter that specifies the delimiter to use.

Next, we'll look at the ListFirst and ListLast functions. They pretty much do exactly as you would expect. ListFirst returns the first element of the list and ListLast returns the last element.

   <!--- displays "The" --->  
#ListFirst("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", " ")#  
<!--- displays "dog." --->  
#ListLast("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.", " ")#  

The ListFind function lets us search for an element in a list. It returns the first index of the element (as an integer). Keep in mind that this search is case sensitive.

<cfset first = ListFind("1,2,3,1,5,6", "5")>

The value of first will be 5 when we execute this line of code.

Finally, ListDeleteAt will let us remove an element from the list. We simply pass the list to it and the position we want to delete.

<cfset newList = ListDeleteAt("1,2,3,4,5", 2)>

When we execute this code, the newList variable contains the value “1,3,4,5” because we’ve deleted the second element of the list, 2.

Using Lists with HTML Forms

I’ve found that the most common use for lists in ColdFusion is in combination with HTML forms. When you create a form that contains multiple elements of the same name — checkboxes, for example — the results are submitted as a list. Here’s an example:

<form name="deleteProducts" action="delete.cfm">  
 Product 1: <input type="checkbox" name="productID" value="1"><br>  
 Product 2: <input type="checkbox" name="productID" value="2"><br>  
 Product 3: <input type="checkbox" name="productID" value="3"><br>  
Product 4: <input type="checkbox" name="productID" value="4"><br>  
<input type="Submit" value="Delete">  

Now, if you check the first three checkboxes and click “Delete”, it’s going to send the form variable productID over to the delete.cfm page as a list with the value “1,2,3”. When we get to the delete page, we’ll simply loop over the list:

<cfif isDefined("form.productID")>  
 <cfloop list="#form.productID#" index="i">  
   <cfquery name="delete" datasource="myDSN">  
     DELETE FROM Products  
     WHERE ProductID = #i#  

Here, we check to see if the form variable is there. This is necessary when submitting checkboxes. If you don’t check any of the checkboxes, the variable productID is not submitted. Therefore, when it reaches delete.cfm, it will not exist and an error will be thrown when you try to loop over the variable. We loop over the list of product IDs and execute a delete query on each one of them.

As you come across situations in your day to day coding, you’ll find that you have many opportunities to apply this technique. Whether you’re deleting products from a database or working with other HTML forms, you’ll find that lists are very, very handy. This is one tool that you’ll do well to familiarize yourself with.

In our final look at ColdFusion data structures, we’ll examine ColdFusion queries. These are very useful and very easy to use and apply. Until next time, happy coding!

Frequently Asked Questions about ColdFusion III Lists

What is the purpose of using lists in ColdFusion?

Lists in ColdFusion are used to store and manipulate a series of related data in a single variable. They are particularly useful when you need to handle a collection of items, such as a list of names, email addresses, or product IDs. Lists can be sorted, searched, and manipulated using various built-in functions, making them a powerful tool for data management in ColdFusion.

How do I create a list in ColdFusion?

Creating a list in ColdFusion is straightforward. You simply assign a series of values to a variable, separated by a delimiter (usually a comma). For example, the following code creates a list of fruit names: fruitList = "apple,banana,cherry"; You can then manipulate this list using various list functions.

How do I determine the length of a list in ColdFusion?

You can use the ListLen() function to determine the number of elements in a list. For example, ListLen(fruitList) would return 3, as there are three items in the list.

How do I add an item to a list in ColdFusion?

You can add an item to a list using the ListAppend() function. For example, ListAppend(fruitList, "date") would add “date” to the end of the fruit list.

How do I remove an item from a list in ColdFusion?

You can remove an item from a list using the ListDeleteAt() function. For example, ListDeleteAt(fruitList, 2) would remove the second item from the list.

How do I sort a list in ColdFusion?

You can sort a list using the ListSort() function. For example, ListSort(fruitList, "textnocase", "asc") would sort the list in ascending order, ignoring case.

How do I search for an item in a list in ColdFusion?

You can search for an item in a list using the ListFind() function. For example, ListFind(fruitList, "banana") would return the position of “banana” in the list, or 0 if it’s not found.

How do I convert a list to an array in ColdFusion?

You can convert a list to an array using the ListToArray() function. For example, ListToArray(fruitList) would return an array with the same elements as the list.

How do I convert an array to a list in ColdFusion?

You can convert an array to a list using the ArrayToList() function. For example, ArrayToList(fruitArray) would return a list with the same elements as the array.

How do I handle multi-dimensional lists in ColdFusion?

Multi-dimensional lists can be handled using nested lists. Each sub-list is treated as a separate list, and can be manipulated using the same list functions. For example, fruitList = "apple,banana,cherry;date,fig,grape" creates a two-dimensional list with two sub-lists.

David MedlockDavid Medlock
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David operates MedlockWeb, a web consulting firm that focuses on building solid relationships and web applications with entrepreneurs and investors. He also maintains a web business blog at WebDevSuccess.com.

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