8 Ace Videos from Breaking Development

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In its own words “Breaking Development focuses on new, emerging techniques for web development and design for mobile devices”. I would say that Breaking Development is an emerging conference offering an interstellar lineup of speakers with an intimate atmosphere, capped at just 250 lucky attendees.

Their next event is being held in Nashville, Tennessee during September 2011 and if you are anywhere near you should go. Their previous event was in April 2011 and the conference team have generously shared videos of the presentations from eight industry heavyweights. This is your weekend teevee guide, right here.

Peter-Paul Koch: The Future of the Mobile Web

PPK references the current discussion of the mobile web versus native apps, and argues for the rise and rise of the web as it matures with new technologies to distribute and pay for content.

Stephanie Rieger: Beyond the Mobile Web

Stephanie Rieger explores how our use, and perception of mobile devices is changing, and how these changes may impact how we should design for them going forward.

Brian Leroux: Mobile Device APIs & PhoneGap

Brian Leroux looks beyond the current fascination that is the all encompassing term HTML5, and heralds the next revolution: Device APIs.

Brian Fling: What the Web Community Can Learn from Mobile

Brian Fling explores the hard questions being answered deep within the mobile community, which is unlike the web: it is opaque, competitive and really really hard.

James Pearce: Building Tomorrow’s Web With Today’s Tools

James Pearce asks how can you re-use your content, your servers, and your knowledge and evolve them to meet the mobile challenge, and answers in practical terms.

Jason Grigsby: Native is easier. Web is essential.

Jason Grigsby tells the story of native being easier to sell to stakeholders, to monetize, and to implement. But that we demonstrate time and again the web is the smart investment.

Luke Wroblewski: Mobile First

Luke Wroblewski says the mobile experience for a web app or site is designed and built after the PC version is complete. This talk outlines the key reasons this approach needs to be reversed. Now.

Jonathan Snook: Fake it ’til you Make it

Jonathan Snook looks at the process of creating a web app that feels more like a native app, covering web standards and every major mobile OS.

Bookmark this page or check out Breaking Development Past Events and bookmark it, as every one of these videos is worthy of your time. And if there were a list of 8 mobile web development people to follow on Twitter, that would be this. Whilst you’re there, follow @bdconf for good measure.

Paul BridgestockPaul Bridgestock
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Paul will suggest that it’s all about HTML5 & CSS3 to anybody who stands still for long enough, though he will defer to talking about building for mobile in the context of iOS, Android and Windows Phone. Paul offers all manner of web development services out of 3Easy Web Org and is the Editor in Chief of BuildMobile.com.

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