6 Clever SVG Pattern Generators for Your Next UX Design

Key Takeaways
- SVG patterns are a powerful and often under-appreciated tool in UX design, offering exciting design possibilities when combined with knowledge about patterns.
- SVG patterns are more efficient, sharp and scalable than other web image formats, making them an excellent choice for CSS background tiles. They also offer unique abilities that regular CSS tiling can’t, such as referencing one pattern within a second pattern to create complex, layered designs.
- SVG patterns are well-supported in modern browsers, but are not always supported in vector editors. Adobe Illustrator and Boxy SVG are among the tools that support SVG patterns, while Figma and Sketch do not.
- There are numerous SVG pattern generators available for use, including 10015.io, Hero Patterns, Iros Pattern Fills, Pattern Monster, Mmmotif, and SVGBackgrounds.com. These tools allow users to create, customize and export unique SVG patterns for their design projects.
How do SVG Patterns Work?
Repeating patterns have been a mainstay of web design from the earliest days of Geocities and MySpace ruled the prehistoric internet. Even if you only know a little CSS, you probably understand how easy it is to set up any image as a CSS tiling background.div {
background-image: url("sitepoint-tile.svg");
Of course, we could use any web image format we like for that background (JPG, PNG, etc). But as SVGs are so efficient, sharp and scalable that there are excellent reasons for choosing to use an SVG for your CSS background tiles.
However, you may be less familiar with SVG’s native method to make repeating backgrounds – SVG patterns. It is relevant to us because it offers special powers that regular CSS tiling can’t. But first, let’s look at how a simple SVG pattern works first.
<pattern id="myPattern"
x="10" y="10" width="20" height="20" patternUnits="userSpaceOnUse" >
<!-- start pattern-->
<circle cx="10" cy="10" r="7" style="stroke: none; fill: magenta" />
<!-- end pattern -->
At the top of most SVG files you’ll find a <DEFS>
code block. This <DEFS>
section (or DEFinitions) is where we place elements we want to re-use later. In practical terms, this means SVG FILTERs, SYMBOLs and PATTERNs.

The SVG Pattern Markup
Inside our <DEFS>
block, we’ve set up a 20 x 20px area of pattern. Then we’ve positioned a small magenta circle right in the center (cx=”10″ cy=”10″) of that space (though this could have been any item that we wanted to tile).
But this doesn’t render anywhere – yet. It is just a pattern definition – almost like a color swatch or a CSS class. You’ll need to reference it in one of your SVG FILLs to see it render.
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="50" style="stroke: #ccc; fill: url(#myPattern);" />
Here we’re creating a large circle (radius 50px) and filling it by referencing the pattern we defined above. It renders like this.
See the Pen Simple SVG Pattern by Alex (@alexmwalker) on CodePen.
That’s relatively simple, right? We could scale up that container circle as large as we liked with no increase to the file size whatsoever.
So, are SVG Patterns more useful than CSS background tiling?
They certainly can be.
SVG allows you reference one pattern from within a second pattern

SVG Pattern and Vector Editors
SVG patterns are very well-supported in all modern browsers, but are NOT ALWAYS supported in your favorite vector editors. To my knowledge:- Adobe Illustrator: Illustrator has great pattern creation tools and has exported SVG patterns nicely for a decade. I haven’t tried importing existing patterns but I suspect results might be patchy.
- Figma: Figma currently ignores the patterns in any imported SVG. IMHO this is Figma’s biggest oversight.
- Inkscape: Inkscape imports and exports SVG patterns beautifully. I would recommend optimizing your final SVG though.
- Sketch: I’m not a Sketch user, but my research seemed to point to it not supporting SVG patterns (I’m happy to be corrected though).
- Boxy SVG: Excellent pattern import and export facilities. For me, Boxy’s abilities to manage patterns are worth the purchase price alone.
SVG Pattern Generators
For now, let’s look at some ready-to-use ‘off-the-rack’ SVG pattern options available. Take these as they are, or else use them as a jumping off point for more interesting creations.1. 10015.io

- the UI is fast and easy to learn
- it generates genuine, ready-to-use SVG patterns (rather than generic slabs of SVG image like many other tools)
2. Hero Patterns

2. Iros Pattern Fills

In a lot of early 20th century maps and charts, designers often made up for a lack of color printing by using monotone pattern fills with dots, lines, and cross-hashes. Although this was a design limitation of the time, it still presents a crisp, super-efficient option for your SVG fills today.
Iros has collected a pattern book of monotone pattern fills that you can reference in your work easily. These are tiny files and you can probably afford to include them all, even if you only reference a few.

4. Pattern Monster
A monsterously large collection of elegantly tiling SVG graphics – around 250 by my count. It’s easy to quickly scale, color, rotate, and reposition the each design.
Pattern Monster lets you export your tile as an CSS-ready SVG code, so you’ll need to code your own SVG pattern definitions to use them within an SVG image.
5. Mmmotif
Sébastien Noël has a jaw-dropping collection of simple, original and beautiful design tools available at his fffuel.co site.
Of this group, his Mmmotif isometric 3d pattern generator is the best fit for this list. Like Pattern Monster, you can mix and match shapes, colors, scaling, and angles, to compose a bumpy 3d isometric tile.
6. SVGBackgrounds.com
Matt Lipman tipped me off to his SVG generator – SVGBackgrounds.com. This tool currently offers 30 base patterns, but the colors and opacity can be customized with a few clicks. When you’re done, it exports CSS-ready SVG that can be pasted into your stylesheet. As was the case with Pattern Monster, you’ll need to manually code SVG pattern definitions.
A handful of honorable mentions…
- Shapes4Free: A nice collection of vector patterns, although they are currently only presented as chunks of SVG – not technically as SVG pattern code.
- SVG Patterns Gallery: A small SVG pattern collection based on Lea Verou’s CSS3 patterns. Hasn’t had any additions in quite a while but still worthwhile.
- pppixelate: Another Seb tool. Usually we choose SVG to avoid pixelation. This tool revels in it, allowing you to draw pixel art tiles as SVG.
- Geopattern: This is an interesting experiment in ‘procedural patterns generation’. Whatever you type into the text field is used as ‘seed’ to generate a new, unique pattern. A cool curiousity.
- Trianglify Generator: This tool generates one very specific type of background SVG – a colored, faceted triangular matrix – almost like a low-polygon 3D surface. You can control the color, size, and randomness of the underlying grid.
Wrapping up
Great SVG patterns are a perfect blend of design inspiration and technical know-how, and having good tools to support you certainly helps. If you’re interested in experimenting with SVG patterns, I wrote a piece on using Boxy SVG to create SVG patterns from scratch. Experimenting with that tool taught me a lot of what I know about patterns now.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about SVG Pattern Generators
What are SVG Pattern Generators?
SVG Pattern Generators are tools that allow you to create unique, customizable patterns using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG). These patterns can be used in web design, graphic design, and other digital art forms. The generators provide a user-friendly interface where you can adjust various parameters such as color, size, shape, and pattern density to create a pattern that fits your specific needs.
How do I use an SVG Pattern Generator?
Using an SVG Pattern Generator is quite straightforward. First, you select the type of pattern you want to create. This could be anything from simple stripes to complex geometric shapes. Next, you adjust the parameters such as color, size, and pattern density to customize the pattern to your liking. Once you’re satisfied with your pattern, you can download it as an SVG file and use it in your design project.
Can I use SVG patterns in my web design projects?
Yes, SVG patterns can be used in web design projects. They are particularly useful for creating unique backgrounds and textures. Because SVG files are vector-based, they can be scaled to any size without losing quality, making them ideal for responsive web design.
Are SVG Pattern Generators free to use?
Most SVG Pattern Generators are free to use, although some may offer premium features for a fee. These premium features could include additional pattern options, the ability to save and edit patterns, and access to a larger color palette.
Can I use SVG patterns in print design?
Yes, SVG patterns can be used in print design. Because SVG files are vector-based, they can be scaled to any size without losing quality. This makes them ideal for print design, where high-resolution graphics are essential.
How do I download patterns from an SVG Pattern Generator?
Once you’ve created a pattern you’re happy with, you can download it as an SVG file. This file can then be imported into your design software of choice, where you can further customize it if needed.
Can I create animated patterns with an SVG Pattern Generator?
Some SVG Pattern Generators do offer the ability to create animated patterns. These can be used to add a dynamic element to your web design projects.
What software can I use to edit SVG files?
SVG files can be edited with any vector graphics software. This includes programs like Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, and Sketch.
Can I use SVG patterns in my logo design?
Yes, SVG patterns can be used in logo design. They can add a unique element to your logo and help it stand out from the crowd.
Are there any limitations to using SVG patterns?
While SVG patterns offer a lot of flexibility, they do have some limitations. For example, complex patterns can increase the file size of your SVG, which could impact the load time of your website. Additionally, not all web browsers support SVG, so it’s important to test your design across multiple browsers.
Alex has been doing cruel and unusual things to CSS since 2001. He is the lead front-end design and dev for SitePoint and one-time SitePoint's Design and UX editor with over 150+ newsletter written. Co-author of The Principles of Beautiful Web Design. Now Alex is involved in the planning, development, production, and marketing of a huge range of printed and online products and references. He has designed over 60+ of SitePoint's book covers.