Key Takeaways
- Utilize Jasmine and Karma for unit testing and E2E testing in AngularJS to ensure code reliability and catch bugs early in the development process.
- Incorporate unit tests for AngularJS components such as controllers, directives, filters, and factories to validate isolated pieces of code.
- Implement end-to-end (E2E) testing to verify the integrated functionality of components within an AngularJS application, ensuring they work as expected in real-world scenarios.
- Employ mocking and spies in unit tests to simulate functionality and isolate testing environments, particularly useful for services and factories that interact with external resources like localStorage.
- Leverage AngularJS’s built-in support for testing and the Protractor framework for enhanced E2E testing that includes features like automatic waiting and specific locator strategies for Angular applications.
- Download and install Node.js, if you don’t already have it.
- Install Karma using npm (
npm install -g karma
). - Download this tutorial’s demo app from GitHub and unzip it.
and test/e2e
directories. To see the result of unit tests just run scripts/test.bat
, which starts the Karma server. Our main HTML file is app/notes.html
, and it can be accessed at http://localhost/angular-seed/app/notes.html.
Getting Started With Unit Tests
Instead of just looking at how unit tests are written, let’s build a simple Angular app and see how unit test fits into the development process. So, let’s start with an application and simulataneously apply unit tests to the various components. In this section you will learn how to unit test:- Controllers
- Directives
- Filters
- Factories
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
<html ng-app="todoApp">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"/>
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="//" type="text/javascript"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" type="text/css"/>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/app.js"></script>
.top-buffer {
display: block;
width: 100%;
<title>Angular Todo Note App</title>
<div class="container center-grey" ng-controller="TodoController">
<div class="row top-buffer" >
<span class="col-md-3"></span>
<span class="col-md-5">
<input class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="note" placeholder="Add a note here"/>
<span class="col-md-1">
<button ng-click="createNote()" class="btn btn-success">Add</button>
<span class="col-md-3"></span>
<div class="row top-buffer" >
<span class="col-md-3"></span>
<span class="col-md-6">
<ul class="list-group">
<li ng-repeat="note in notes track by $index" class="list-group-item">
<span class="col-md-3"></span>
As you can see in the above markup, our Angular module is todoApp
and the controller is TodoController
. The input text is bound to the note
model. There is also a list which shows all the note items that have been added. Furthermore, when the button is clicked, our TodoController
‘s createNote()
function runs. Now let’s open up the included app.js
file and create the module and controller. Add the following code to app.js
var todoApp = angular.module('todoApp',[]);
todoApp.controller('TodoController', function($scope, notesFactory) {
$scope.notes = notesFactory.get();
$scope.createNote = function() {
$scope.note = '';
$scope.notes = notesFactory.get();
todoApp.factory('notesFactory', function() {
return {
put: function(note) {
localStorage.setItem('todo' + (Object.keys(localStorage).length + 1), note);
get: function() {
var notes = [];
var keys = Object.keys(localStorage);
for(var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
return notes;
Our TodoController
uses a factory called notesFactory
to store and retrieve the notes. When the createNote()
function runs, it uses the factory to put a note into localStorage
and then clears the note
model. So, if we were to unit test the TodoController
we would need to ensure that when the controller is initialized, the scope
contains a certain number of notes. After running the scope’s createNote()
function, the number of notes should be one more than the previous count. The code for our unit test is shown below.
describe('TodoController Test', function() {
beforeEach(module('todoApp')); // will be run before each it() function
// we don't need the real factory here. so, we will use a fake one.
var mockService = {
notes: ['note1', 'note2'], //just two elements initially
get: function() {
return this.notes;
put: function(content) {
// now the real thing: test spec
it('should return notes array with two elements initially and then add one',
inject(function($rootScope, $controller) { //injects the dependencies
var scope = $rootScope.$new();
// while creating the controller we have to inject the dependencies too.
var ctrl = $controller('TodoController', {$scope: scope, notesFactory:mockService});
// the initial count should be two
// enter a new note (Just like typing something into text box)
scope.note = 'test3';
// now run the function that adds a new note (the result of hitting the button in HTML)
// expect the count of notes to have been increased by one!
method defines the test suite. It just says which tests are included in the suite. Inside that we have a beforeEach()
function that executes just before each it()
function runs. The it()
function is our test spec and has the actual test to be conducted. So, before each test is executed, we need to load our module.
As this is a unit test, we don’t need external dependencies. You already know our controller depends on notesFactory
for handling notes. So, to unit test the controller we need to use a mock factory or service. That’s why we have created mockService
, which just simulates the real notesFactory
and has the same functions, get()
and put()
. While our real factory uses localStorage
to store notes, the fake one uses an underlying array.
Now let’s examine the it()
function which is used to carry out the test. You can see that it declares two dependencies $rootScope
and $controller
which are injected automatically by Angular. These two services are required for getting root scope for the app and creating controllers respectively.
The $controller
service requires two arguments. The first is the name of the controller to create. The second is an object respresenting the dependencies of the controller. The $rootScope.$new()
returns a new child scope which is required by our controller. Notice we have also passed our fake factory implementation to the controller.
Now, expect(scope.notes.length).toBe(2)
asserts that when the controller is initialized scope.notes
contains exactly two notes. If it has more or less than two notes, this test will fail. Similarly we populate the note
model with a new item and run the createNote()
function which is supposed to add a new note. Now expect(scope.notes.length).toBe(3)
checks for this. Since in the beginning we initialized our array with two items, after running createNote()
it should have one more (three items). You can see which tests failed/succeeded in Karma.
Testing the Factory
Now we want to unit test the factory to ensure that it works as expected. The test case fornotesFactory
is shown below.
describe('notesFactory tests', function() {
var factory;
// excuted before each "it()" is run.
beforeEach(function() {
// load the module
// inject your factory for testing
inject(function(notesFactory) {
factory = notesFactory;
var store = {
todo1: 'test1',
todo2: 'test2',
todo3: 'test3'
spyOn(localStorage, 'getItem').andCallFake(function(key) {
return store[key];
spyOn(localStorage, 'setItem').andCallFake(function(key, value) {
return store[key] = value + '';
spyOn(localStorage, 'clear').andCallFake(function() {
store = {};
spyOn(Object, 'keys').andCallFake(function(value) {
var keys=[];
for(var key in store) {
return keys;
// check to see if it has the expected function
it('should have a get function', function() {
//check to see if it returns three notes initially
it('should return three todo notes initially', function() {
var result = factory.get();
//check if it successfully adds a new item
it('should return four todo notes after adding one more', function() {
factory.put('Angular is awesome');
var result = factory.get();
The test procedure is the same as for the TodoController
except in few places. Remember, the actual factory uses localStorage
to store and retrieve the note items. But, as we are unit testing we don’t want to depend on external services. So, we need to convert the function calls like localStorage.getItem()
and localStorage.setItem()
into fake ones to use our own store instead of using localStorage
‘s underlying data store. spyOn(localStorage, 'setItem').andCallFake()
does this. The first argument to spyOn()
specifies the object of interest, and the second argument denotes the function on which we want to spy. andCallFake()
gives us a way to write our own implementation of the function. So, in this test we have configured the localStorage
functions to use our custom implementation. In our factory we also use the Object.keys()
function for iteration and getting the total number of notes. So, in this simple case we can also spy on Object.keys(localStorage)
to return keys from our own store, not local storage.
Next, we check if the factory contains the required functions (get()
and put()
). This is done through angular.isFunction()
. Then we check if the factory has three notes initially. In the last test we add a new note and assert that it increased the notes count by one.
Testing a Filter
Now, say we need to modify the way notes are shown on the page. If a note’s text has more than 20 characters we should show only the first 10. Let’s write a simple filter for this and name ittruncate
as shown below.
todoApp.filter('truncate', function() {
return function(input,length) {
return (input.length > length ? input.substring(0, length) : input );
In the markup, it can be used like this:
{{note | truncate:20}}
To unit test it, the following code can be used.
describe('filter tests', function() {
it('should truncate the input to 10 characters',
//this is how we inject a filter by appending Filter to the end of the filter name
inject(function(truncateFilter) {
expect(truncateFilter('abcdefghijkl', 10).length).toBe(10);
The previous code is pretty straightforward. Just note that you inject a filter by appending Filter
to the end of the actual filter name. Then you can call it as usual.
Testing a Directive
Let’s just create a simple directive that gives a background color to the element it’s applied on. This can be done very easily with CSS. But, just to demonstrate the testing of directives let’s stick to the following:todoApp.directive('customColor', function() {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
elem.css({'background-color': attrs.customColor});
This can be applied to any element, e.g. <ul custom-color="rgb(128, 128, 128)"></ul>
. The test code is shown below.
describe('directive tests', function() {
it('should set background to rgb(128, 128, 128)',
inject(function($compile,$rootScope) {
scope = $rootScope.$new();
// get an element representation
elem = angular.element("<span custom-color=\"rgb(128, 128, 128)\">sample</span>");
// create a new child scope
scope = $rootScope.$new();
// finally compile the HTML
// expect the background-color css property to be desirabe one
expect(elem.css("background-color")).toEqual('rgb(128, 128, 128)');
We need a service called $compile
(injected by Angular) to actually compile and test the element on which a directive is applied. angular.element()
creates a jqLite or jQuery (if available) element for us to use. Then, we compile it with a scope, and it’s ready to be tested. In this case we expect the background-color
CSS property to be rgb(128, 128, 128)
. Refer to this doc to know which methods you can call on element
E2E Tests With Angular
In E2E tests we fit together a set of components and check whether the overall process works as expected. In our case we need to ensure that when a user enters something into the text field and clicks on the button it’s added tolocalStorage
and appears in the list below the text field.
This E2E test uses an Angular scenario runner. If you have downloaded the demo app and unzipped it, you can see that there is a runner.html
inside test/e2e
. This is our scenario runner file. The scenarios.js
file contains the e2e tests (you will write the tests here). After writing the tests you can run http://localhost/angular-seed/test/e2e/runner.html to see the results. The E2E test to be added to scenarios.js
is shown below.
describe('my app', function() {
beforeEach(function() {
var oldCount = -1;
it("entering note and performing click", function() {
element('ul').query(function($el, done) {
oldCount = $el.children().length;
input('note').enter('test data');
element('button').query(function($el, done) {
it('should add one more element now', function() {
expect(repeater('ul li').count()).toBe(oldCount + 1);
As we are performing a complete test we should first navigate to our main HTML page,app/notes.html
. This is achieved through browser.navigateTo()
. The element.query()
function selects the ul
element to record how many note items are present initially. This value is stored in the oldCount
variable. Next, we simulate entering a note into the text field through input('note').enter()
. Just note that you need to pass the model name to the input()
function. In our HTML page the input is bound to the ng-model
. So, that should be used to identify our input field. Then we perform a click on the button and check whether it added a new note (li
element) to the list. We do this by comparing the new count (got by repeater('ul li').count()
) with the old count.
AngularJS is designed with solid JavaScript testing in mind, and favors Test Driven Development. So, always test your code while you are developing. This may seem time consuming, but it actually saves your time by eliminating most of the bugs that would appear later.Additional Resources
- If your service/factory uses the
service to call a remote API you can return fake data from it for unit testing. Here is a guide for this. - This doc from the Angular website has some good information regarding unit testing.
- If you are starting a new Angular project consider using Protractor for E2E tests.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Unit and E2E Testing in AngularJS
What is the importance of Unit and E2E testing in AngularJS?
Unit and E2E testing in AngularJS are crucial for ensuring the quality of the application. Unit testing focuses on testing individual components of the application in isolation, such as services, controllers, and directives. This helps in identifying and fixing bugs at an early stage of development, thereby reducing the cost and time of debugging. On the other hand, E2E (End-to-End) testing validates the entire application flow from start to end, ensuring that all integrated components work as expected. It simulates real user scenarios, thereby helping in detecting any issues with the user interface, network, database, and other connected components.
How does Protractor help in E2E testing of AngularJS applications?
Protractor is a powerful tool for E2E testing of AngularJS applications. It is built on top of WebDriverJS and includes important features like automatic waiting and Angular-specific locator strategies. This means you don’t have to add waits and sleeps to your test, as Protractor can automatically execute the next step in your test as soon as the webpage finishes pending tasks. This leads to more reliable tests and faster scenario execution.
What are the key differences between Unit testing and E2E testing in AngularJS?
While both Unit testing and E2E testing are essential for application testing, they serve different purposes. Unit testing is used to test individual components of the application in isolation, without any external dependencies. It is typically used during the development phase to catch bugs early. E2E testing, on the other hand, is used to test the entire application flow, simulating real user scenarios. It involves testing the interaction between all components of the application, including the user interface, server, network, and database.
How can I set up my environment for E2E testing in AngularJS?
Setting up your environment for E2E testing in AngularJS involves several steps. First, you need to install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager). Then, you can install Protractor globally on your machine using npm. Once Protractor is installed, you need to update the WebDriver Manager, which helps Protractor interact with the browser. Finally, you can write your E2E tests using Jasmine, a behavior-driven development framework for testing JavaScript code.
What are some best practices for writing E2E tests in AngularJS?
Writing effective E2E tests in AngularJS involves following certain best practices. First, keep your tests DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). If you find yourself writing the same code multiple times, consider creating a helper function. Second, keep your tests independent. Each test should be able to run on its own without relying on the state from other tests. Third, use appropriate locator strategies to interact with elements on the page. Protractor provides several locator strategies, including by model, by binding, and by repeater. Finally, handle asynchronous operations correctly. Protractor’s automatic waiting feature can help with this.
How can I debug my E2E tests in AngularJS?
Debugging E2E tests in AngularJS can be done using several methods. One common method is to use the browser’s developer tools. You can inspect elements on the page, view console logs, and step through your code. Another method is to use Protractor’s built-in debugging capabilities. You can pause your tests at any point and interact with your application in the state it’s currently in.
Can I use Protractor for non-AngularJS applications?
Yes, Protractor can be used for non-AngularJS applications as well. While Protractor is specifically built for AngularJS, it can also be used for testing non-AngularJS applications by disabling Angular-specific features. However, keep in mind that some of Protractor’s features, like automatic waiting and Angular-specific locator strategies, may not work with non-AngularJS applications.
What are some common challenges in E2E testing of AngularJS applications?
E2E testing of AngularJS applications can present several challenges. One common challenge is dealing with asynchronous operations. AngularJS applications often involve asynchronous operations like AJAX calls, and these can lead to flaky tests if not handled correctly. Another challenge is setting up and maintaining the testing environment. This includes installing and updating necessary tools, managing test data, and configuring the browser.
How can I improve the performance of my E2E tests in AngularJS?
Improving the performance of your E2E tests in AngularJS can be achieved through several methods. One method is to reduce the number of unnecessary interactions with the browser, as these can slow down your tests. Another method is to use parallelization. Protractor supports running tests in multiple browsers at the same time, which can significantly reduce the total test execution time. Finally, keep your tests focused and concise. Each test should verify a single piece of functionality, rather than trying to test multiple things at once.
Can I integrate my E2E tests in AngularJS with Continuous Integration (CI) tools?
Yes, E2E tests in AngularJS can be integrated with Continuous Integration (CI) tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, and CircleCI. This allows you to automatically run your tests every time you make changes to your code, ensuring that any bugs are caught early. To integrate your E2E tests with a CI tool, you need to configure the tool to start a test server, run your tests using Protractor, and then shut down the server.
Sandeep is the Co-Founder of Hashnode. He loves startups and web technologies.