Tracking Your Deployed Files

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…posted by davidjmedlock:

If you’re not using some sort of version control, you should be. “Why,” you ask? “Why not,” is my reply.

Most of us do not have access to a dedicated ColdFusion server. If you’re like me, you have a developer’s copy of CFMX on your computer at home (or whereever your development takes place). I also have CVS installed on my machine for keeping track of my code. It doesn’t allow me to easily deploy it to my server, since I have to actually FTP it to my host, but at least I can keep track of it on my machine.

Also, I tend to keep a log of files I’ve deployed and the date that I deployed them to a live server. This way I can, at a glance, look at my log and see where to look if there’s a problem.

For an easy tutorial on how to use CVS for your site, I recommend Harry Fuecks’ CVS tutorial.

For Windows users who don’t want to deal with command line CVS, you can use one of many graphical interfaces for CVS:


CVS Web Client (No Longer Supported by Developer)

Tortoise CVS

You can find more GUI’s and tools at the CVS Web Site.

Keeping track of each version of your code can save you a lot of headaches and heartaches later on when all of a sudden you need to revert back to an older version very quickly.

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