PHP Cloud Development
If you’re a passionate PHP developer, wanting to grow your knowlege and expertise with PHP in Cloud Development then this is the group for you. Not only that, but if you’re looking for a great roll, to find help for your organisation or project, come find it amongst like-minded individuals.The Virtualization & Cloud Computing Group
An exclusive group for Virtualization & Cloud Computing professionals to network and discuss industry related topics such as Virtualisation, VMware, Microsoft Hyper-V, Citrix Xen, Security, Enterprise, Mobile, Storage, VCP, VCDX, Cloud Power, SaaS, PaaS, Data Storage, Security.Technical Q&A and news are all supported and encouraged.Official Oracle Cloud Computing group
The official, created by Oracle, Oracle Cloud Computing group, where you can find all the news around Oracle’s Cloud Strategy, Oracle’s Cloud Computing Offerings and connect with peers.Cloud Computing – Microsoft UK
This community is for senior IT managers and executives as well as business leaders who have an interest in Cloud Computing to have discussions, share ideas and seek advice and opinions. The focus of the group is to foster discussion and dialogue about the potential impact of Cloud Computing; the hurdles and challenges to be overcome and the opportunities for business and IT value to be added as well as sharing practical tips on what can be the right steps for making a move to the Cloud.Carbonite Business SMB Cloud Computing Group
Carbonite Business is about online backups for small businesses.Cloud Security Alliance
The Cloud Security Alliance is a not-for-profit organisation with a mission to promote the use of best practices for providing security assurance within Cloud Computing, and to provide education on the uses of Cloud Computing to help secure all other forms of computing.Cloud Storage
The Cloud Storage group was formed in order to provide a common ground for the introduction and advancement of cloud storage and computing technology.CloudCamp – Unconventional Cloud Computing
CloudCamp was formed in order to provide a common ground for the introduction and advancement of cloud computing.Cloud Computing
This group organises two annual conferences Cloud Slam and UP – world’s premier cloud computing events, covering technology, business models, industry experiences, legal aspects, research, development and innovations in the world of cloud computing.Cloud Computing, SaaS & Virtualization
A group for Cloud Computing & Virtualization professionals to expand their network of contacts, share idea’s and discuss industry related topics. The group covers VMware, SaaS, PaaS, Cloud Security, Cloud Computing & Server Virtualization technologies, Enterprise 2.0 Applications, technologies and architectures, crm, cloud services, date centre, Software as a Service, on demand applications.Azure Developers
This group is for Microsoft .NET developers to discuss the Windows Azure Services Platform its implemetation as internet and cloud applications and services. Do you know any Cloud Computing groups that should make the list? Let us know! Big friends doing a circle image via ShutterstockFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Cloud Computing Groups
What are the top cloud computing groups?
Cloud computing groups are communities where professionals and enthusiasts share knowledge, discuss trends, and explore opportunities in the field of cloud computing. Some of the top cloud computing groups include the Cloud Security Alliance, Cloud Native Computing Foundation, OpenStack Foundation, and the Cloud Computing Association. These groups offer resources, events, and networking opportunities to their members.
How can I join a cloud computing group?
Joining a cloud computing group usually involves visiting the group’s website and signing up as a member. Some groups may require a membership fee, while others are free to join. Once you’re a member, you can participate in discussions, attend events, and access resources.
What are the benefits of joining a cloud computing group?
Joining a cloud computing group can provide numerous benefits. It can help you stay updated with the latest trends and technologies in cloud computing. You can also network with other professionals in the field, which can open up opportunities for collaboration or career advancement. Additionally, many groups offer educational resources and training opportunities to their members.
Can I contribute to a cloud computing group?
Yes, most cloud computing groups encourage their members to contribute by sharing their knowledge and expertise. This can be done through participating in discussions, writing articles or blog posts, presenting at events, or contributing to projects.
Are there any cloud computing groups on LinkedIn?
Yes, there are several cloud computing groups on LinkedIn. These groups are a great way to connect with other professionals in the field and stay updated with the latest news and trends. Some popular cloud computing groups on LinkedIn include the Cloud Computing, SaaS & Virtualization group and the Cloud Security Alliance group.
What is the Cloud Security Alliance?
The Cloud Security Alliance is a non-profit organization that promotes best practices for providing security assurance within cloud computing. It provides education, research, and tools to help organizations adopt cloud computing while ensuring the security and privacy of their data.
What is the Cloud Native Computing Foundation?
The Cloud Native Computing Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the adoption of cloud-native technologies. It provides a platform for collaboration and innovation in the cloud computing industry.
What is the OpenStack Foundation?
The OpenStack Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the development and adoption of the OpenStack cloud computing platform. It provides resources, events, and a community for OpenStack users and developers.
What is the Cloud Computing Association?
The Cloud Computing Association is a professional organization that promotes the understanding and use of cloud computing. It provides resources, education, and networking opportunities for its members.
How can I stay updated with the latest trends in cloud computing?
Joining a cloud computing group is a great way to stay updated with the latest trends in the field. These groups often share news, articles, and resources about the latest developments in cloud computing. Additionally, attending events and webinars can also help you stay informed.
Jean-Pierre Gassin is a web developer, writer and design enthusiast from the Gold Coast, Australia. He runs The GeekGrounds, a tech and gaming culture site, and is studying a Bachelor of Information Technology.