SITE123: A Website Builder to Save Time and Money

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Spend a few minutes, make a few little adjustments, upload your content, and you will have a stunning website with SITE123.

The internet is now full of platforms that allow you to create your own website – that isn’t news.

However, those who have already immersed themselves in the universe of trying to build a brand in the virtual world know how difficult it is to find a good free website builder that is both complete and secure.

Finding a good platform can be an overwhelming task. It requires some research, several user accounts created, and you still end up with the possibility of not finding the ideal place to build your website.

But you don’t have to worry anymore, because now you have managed to find the right place to create your own website without any investment.

SITE123 is a rich platform with layouts that are ready for you to use in building your website according to your business segment.

SITE123 is among the website builders that have grown the most in the market lately, because it presents ease and practicality for its clients.

You will not have to spend hours designing and coding a website. And you will not have to pay for a programmer/website developer if you cannot code. You can create everything yourself in the simplest and fastest way, without having to hire any professional knowledge for it.

In addition to keeping your pockets full and your agenda free, you will be proud to say that you have been able to create a website in less than one hour.

Can it get any better than that?


SITE123 offers you the best free website templates for any type of business. One great differentiator here is that you are not flooded with options, so it is easy to choose among the models.

Your goal is to create a free blog, store, portfolio or a business channel? You just need to select the option that matches your goal and you will be redirected immediately to the right website canvas. Then you just need to insert some information to customize the main parts of the template.

After that, you can make all the changes you want using the actual website builder, until your page is just the way you want it: modern and eye-catching.


SITE123 has several advantages for you in all aspects. Here is what you will find:

  • Free hosting – Besides free site creation, you do not have to worry about paying for hosting to keep your website on air. The platform will be totally responsible of taking care of this part for you, in a professional and efficient way. You can be assured that the speed and operation of your website will always be guaranteed without having to pay for hosting.
  • SEO tool – With the SEO tool available, your website will have the possibility of appearing in search engine results across the internet. Whenever someone types something into the Google search bar that relates to content on your website, you will have the chance to appear to the person who searched the web. That way you have a bet in attracting more followers into your space without having to invest in experienced professionals who work with SEO development or without having to spend your time on various forms of digital advertising.
  • 24 hour support – SITE123’s 24 hour support is there to help you with everything you need. You will have technical support to help you whenever you have questions or run into issues. There is also a support area with questions and answers, and chances are good that the answer to your question is already there ready to help you.
  • Design tools – On the platform, you will find several professional design tools. They are very easy to use, so you can take care of the presentation and sparkle of your page, which is a very important thing to get new followers. You can build your website by yourself, in an easy way, with your own branding. Always remember that when the subject is an online page, first impressions count. Bet a lot on good presentation for your website visitors.
  • Great free galleries – At SITE123 you will have great libraries of images, icons, and videos at your disposal, totally free to be used in the creation of your website. You don’t have to waste time looking for royalty-free images or even paying for expensive photo banks just to have a gallery to use. Choose the right pictures and it will seem like you have hired a top photographer just to take pics for your website.
  • Unlimited pages – You do not have to worry if you plan to post a lot of content and have many pages on your website. SITE123 is here to ensure all the space in the world for pages and new websites so your content can be published without any limits or restrictions. You do not have to worry even if demand is high. We have your back.
  • Responsiveness – With SITE123’s responsive templates, it will be very easy for everyone to access your website on any device, be it a cell phone, tablet, computer, etc. The display and presentation of your page will be suitable for each different type of device. This allows your followers to access your site whenever and wherever they want while having the same kind of experience. This also makes it better for your clients who have access to only one type of device, such as a mobile phone. With the responsive templates, people will certainly be comfortable navigating your website using any kind of device.
  • Interaction with social networks – Linking your website and social media will help you greatly in promoting and attracting people from other corners to your new web page. Put links to your website on social networks and promote your business and web pages there. Also, go the other way around and put social media links on your website. SITE123 will allow you to do all this.
  • Multi-language option – This is probably the most impressive of all features. SITE123 helps with allowing people from other countries and speakers of other languages ​​to access your page without any problems. How does it do that? It provides you with a multi-language tool, which translates your entire website instantly. There are 80 different languages available , from all over the world, so you can choose one to be the official language of your site. You can also create versions in multiple languages ​​with just a few clicks. With this feature, people from other countries will be able to follow your content and, consequently, you will end up converting more customers.

The list of features and advantages Site123 offers does not stop here.

Let’s take it another step further and take a look at one of the most important tools.


We have all seen the great growth of eCommerce in the last few years. SITE123 offer you an advanced eCommerce Website Builder as part of the platform. Virtual sales and online stores are now part of almost everyone’s lives.

In real life, one of the first stages of a modern company, which is the creation of the online sales website, is what makes many great future entrepreneurs give up. You do not have to worry about this both because SITE123 is very easy to use and you can put an online store together in a matter of minutes.

Other problems entrepreneurs face with online store builders are high subscription prices, platforms that are difficult to use and a lack of safety.

On SITE123 everything is very simple, fast and easy for anyone to create their own online store. You can bet on this platform and your investment is zero dollars.

On your online store management panel, it’s easy to see how many orders you have received along with other details, so you can keep track of everything you need to deliver. Here you can view all the sales and inventory information very easily, thus streamlining your work and leaving more time for you to focus on growing your business.

Besides all that, the website builder backend offers security, and various safety features for 24-hour operation during all days of the week. Downtime converges to 0% throughout the year. With this reliability, your customers can make their purchases at any time without issues.

Don’t waste time, create an online store right now!

Freemium Advantages

You can sit back and chill because this is not the part where you find out you must pay hundreds of dollars to publish your website.

You can really create a free website and put it out without having to pay a single dime. But for those who are looking for something more professional, using a unique domain such as, you can count on the Premium plans for that.

On the Premium plan, you will have your own custom domain, more storage space on our platform, and extra bandwidth, among other things.

You pay only if you like it.

If you subscribe for the Premium plan, but you find out that the free version already suited your needs and you want to leave the paid version, you can do so at any time.

This shows how customer-focused SITE123 is, but after trying out the Premium plan, it is hard to let it go due to its advantages.

For those who only wish to have a custom domain and nothing more, you may choose a simpler option. But of course, it only gets better with the other plans.

The good thing is: it doesn’t matter what plan you choose, if opt to pay annually, biannually and triennially, you will get great discounts.

If you have already used the service and want to get one of the premium packages or check out the payment methods, just go to your dashboard, select the website you want to improve and click on Upgrade.

Final Thoughts

SITE123 grows faster each day because of its practicality and ease of use. It allows more than 1 million registered users to achieve the dream of having their own website, whether it’s a blog, portfolio, or store, without having to spend any money to get started.

You do not need to be a professional developer and you don’t need to understand a single line of code to create your website. Start today by creating and publishing your web page to leverage the future of your business.

Go to SITE123 and enjoy all the benefits that SITE123 offers you for free.

At SITE123, your business has everything it takes to grow!

Frequently Asked Questions about Site123

How user-friendly is Site123 for beginners?

Site123 is designed with beginners in mind. It offers a straightforward and intuitive interface that allows users to create a website without any technical knowledge. The platform provides a step-by-step guide to help users navigate through the process of setting up their website. It also offers a variety of templates that are easy to customize, making it a great choice for those who are new to website building.

What kind of customer support does Site123 offer?

Site123 offers 24/7 live chat support to its users. This means that you can get help at any time of the day or night. They also have a comprehensive help center with articles and tutorials that can guide you through the process of building and managing your website.

How does Site123’s pricing compare to other website builders?

Site123 offers a free plan, as well as premium plans that start at $10.80 per month. This makes it a cost-effective option compared to other website builders. The premium plans also come with additional features such as a free domain for one year and more storage space.

Can I use Site123 to build an e-commerce website?

Yes, Site123 has features that support e-commerce. You can set up an online store, manage your inventory, and accept online payments. However, to access these features, you need to subscribe to one of their premium plans.

Does Site123 offer SEO tools?

Site123 provides basic SEO tools that can help improve your website’s visibility on search engines. These include meta tags, custom URLs, and sitemap creation. However, for more advanced SEO features, you may need to use third-party tools.

Can I create a blog with Site123?

Yes, Site123 has a built-in blogging platform. You can create and manage blog posts, categorize them, and allow visitors to leave comments. This makes it a good choice for bloggers and content creators.

Is Site123 mobile-friendly?

All Site123 templates are responsive, meaning they automatically adjust to fit different screen sizes. This ensures that your website will look good on both desktop and mobile devices.

Can I customize my website’s design with Site123?

Site123 offers a range of templates that you can customize to suit your needs. However, the customization options are somewhat limited compared to other website builders. You can change the color scheme, fonts, and layout, but you can’t drag and drop elements or change the overall structure of the template.

Does Site123 offer a free trial?

Site123 does not offer a free trial for its premium plans. However, they do offer a free plan that you can use indefinitely. This allows you to test out the platform and see if it meets your needs before upgrading to a premium plan.

Can I use my own domain name with Site123?

Yes, you can connect your own domain name to your Site123 website. If you don’t have a domain name, you can get one for free for one year if you subscribe to a premium plan.

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