If you're learning JS, it won't take long for you to be exposed to the enormity of the ecosystem and the sheer number of moving pieces you need to understand (at least conceptually) to build a modern web application.
It's not uncommon these days to see people complaining about just how complex JavaScript development seems to have become. We can have some sympathy with that view when it's coming from someone new to the language. If you're learning JS, it won't take long for you to be exposed to the enormity of the ecosystem and the sheer number of moving pieces you need to understand (at least conceptually) to build a modern web application. Package management, linting, transpilation, module bundling, minification, source maps, frameworks, unit testing, hot reloading... it can't be denied that this is a lot more complex that just including a couple of script tags in your page and FTPing it up to the server.
Included topics:
- The Anatomy of a Modern JavaScript Application by James Kolce
- An Introduction to Gulp.js by Craig Buckler
- The Basics of DOM Manipulation in Vanilla JavaScript (No jQuery) by Sebastian Seitz
- A Beginner's Guide to Webpack 2 and Module Bundling by Mark Brown
- React vs Angular: An In-depth Comparison by Pavels Jelisejevs
- Retrofit Your Website as a Progressive Web App by Craig Buckler
- 10 Tips to Become a Better Node Developer by Azat Mardan
- An Introduction to Functional JavaScript by M. David Green
- An Introduction to Chart.js 2.0 — Six Simple Examples by Jack Rometty
- Learning JavaScript Test-Driven Development by Example by James Wright
This book is for intermediate level JavaScript developers. Some experience of JavaScript development is assumed. If you're not at that level yet, try our beginner book, https://www.sitepoint.com/premium/books/javascript-novice-to-ninja-2nd-edition.
Intermediate level JavaScript developers. Some experience of JavaScript developemnt is assumed.
The book is loaded: Gulp.js, React, Node and Chart.js as well as webpack. I like that it's not too wordy so easy to read. I like the DOM coverage but I could not understand it at first. But after following some video tutorials on the DOM and got the hang of it, this book made it even more clear.
Well written and highly recommended.
JavaScript can be very challenging to learn, but Modern JavaScript, so far, has been one of the most valuable resources.
Nice and quick review helping to get oriented in modern JS. It does't cover everything, but that's a part of that "nice & quick".
This is an excellent book if you already have a basic understanding of javascript. This book is not suitable for novice coders. I think this book needs more properly arranged and explained lessons and hence I would call for a new revised edition.
As someone new into the world of Javascript and web applications in general, my exposure to development was restricted to hand coding separate html, css and js files and linking them all up with a <link> and a <script> tag. I was totally unaware of the vast ecosystem of tools that are widely used to author, compile or produce HTML/CSS/JS content.
If you wish to familiarize yourself with the ecosystem around JS, this is the book for you.
If you are a programmer with experience in other programming languages and want to familiarize yourself with JS, ES2015 is way forward, and this is a great introductory resource.
If you are confused by the wide variety of frameworks and programming paradigms available out there, then this book will sort some of that confusion out for you.
Overall, a wonderful book to get you up to date with the increasingly complex world of JavaScript.
I'm still learning JavaScript and haven't finished the book yet. But from what I have read, I can see it being very useful.