Making Excel The CarlosAg Way

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One question we see a lot on the Sitepoint ASP.NET forums is “Hey, my boss needs me to make an Excel spreadsheet from this here data set. Please help. You are my last hope before I get fired!”

Now, there are a number of ways to generate an excel spreadsheet. The obvious way it to use COM interop and Excel’s own object model to do the job. This is possibly the worst plan. First, it requires one install Excel on the web server to work. Second, Excel is designed to run in user mode, and will pop modial dialog boxes—effectively freezing your applications. I shall ignore the “fun” tasks associated with COM interop and the pure joy of dealing with the Excel object model. Nevermind scalability issues and the like.

The second set of obvious options can get a bit expensive—the various commercial excel generation libraries. Another option in this vein—and possibly the most useful one—is Sql Server 2005 Reporting Services. But only if you are already using it for other reporting tasks, implementing it for some excel export alone is a bit of a waste. The other old standby is to generate a html table and tell a browser “yes, by jove, this is excel.” But this is a limited solution at best. What is a developer to do?

Enter CarlosAg

But there is one other option. Modern versions [2002/XP or later] of Excel support the Xml Spreasheet specification. And if .NET is good for just one thing, it would beXml. Enter CarlosAg’s ExcelXmlWriter library. I have used it on a few projects and I must say it is very slick. It is the only free library I have seen which allow a developer to create a nearly fully-featured spreadsheet—including formulas, heavily styled cells and pivot tables—without crossing the COM bridge or paying significant cash.

Now, its not without its issues. The most significant one is that the developer must be very careful to properly format data because is no type filtering at the library level. Just like in any export operation, one must test the output carefully to make certain it is parsable. Nor is there a native .NET 2.0 binary available as of this writing. But I have not yet ran into a show-stopping bug. It is definitely a solid library and clearly quite sweet for the price—free.

And now we get to the good part—code samples. Lets say you need to, oh, just dump a dataset into Carlos’ writer for posterity’s sake.

Well, first you need a class to deal with the dataset as a whole:

using System.Data;
using CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter;

namespace WWB.ExcelDatasetWriter
	/// <summary>
	/// Creates an excel-friendly Xml Document from a dataset using the CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter library.
	/// </summary>

	public class ExcelDatasetWriter
		public ExcelDatasetWriter()

		public Workbook CreateWorkbook(DataSet data)
			//ensure valid data
			if (data==null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("data", "Data cannot be null.");

			//Variable declarations
			//our workbook
			Workbook wb=new Workbook(); 
			//Our worksheet container
			Worksheet ws; 
			//Our DataTableWriter
			ExcelDataTableWriter edtw=new ExcelDataTableWriter(); 
			//Our sheet name
			string wsName; 
			//Our counter
			int tCnt=0; 

			//Loop through datatables and create worksheets
			foreach (DataTable dt in data.Tables)
				//set the name of the worksheet
				if (dt.TableName!=null && dt.TableName.Length>0 && dt.TableName!="Table")
					//Go to generic Sheet1 . . . SheetN
					wsName="Sheet" + (tCnt+1).ToString();
				//Instantiate the worksheet
				//Populate the worksheet
				edtw.PopulateWorksheet(dt, ws);
			return wb;

		private void ensureTables(DataSet data)
			if (data.Tables.Count==0)
				throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("data", "DataSet does not contain any tables.");

Then you need a class to deal with each of the DataTables

using System;
using System.Data;
using CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter;

namespace WWB.ExcelDatasetWriter
	/// <summary>
	/// Writes a datatable to a worksheet using the CarlosAG.ExcelXmlWriter library.
	/// </summary>

	public class ExcelDataTableWriter
		public ExcelDataTableWriter()

		public void PopulateWorksheet(DataTable dt, Worksheet toPopulate)
			PopulateWorksheet(dt, toPopulate, true);

		public void PopulateWorksheet(DataTable dt, Worksheet toPopulate, bool makeHeader)
			//check valid input
			if (toPopulate==null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("toPopulate", "Worksheet cannot be null.");
			if (dt==null)
				throw new ArgumentNullException("dt", "DataTable cannot be null");
			//Parse the columns
			ColumnType[] colDesc=parseColumns(dt);
			//Create header row
			if (makeHeader)
				toPopulate.Table.Rows.Insert(0, makeHeaderRow(colDesc));
			//Create rows
			foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
				toPopulate.Table.Rows.Add(makeDataRow(colDesc, row));

		#region row + cell making
		private WorksheetRow makeHeaderRow(ColumnType[] cols)
			WorksheetRow ret=new WorksheetRow();
			foreach(ColumnType ctd in cols)
			return ret;

		private WorksheetRow makeDataRow(ColumnType[] ctds, DataRow row)
			WorksheetRow ret=new WorksheetRow();
			WorksheetCell tmp=null;
			for (int i=0; i<row.Table.Columns.Count; i++)
			return ret;


		#region column parsing
		private ColumnType[] parseColumns(DataTable dt)
			ColumnType[] ret=new ColumnType[dt.Columns.Count];
			ColumnType ctd=null;
			for (int i=0; i<dt.Columns.Count; i++)
				ctd=new ColumnType();
				getDataType(dt.Columns[i], ctd);
			return ret;

		private void getDataType(DataColumn col, ColumnType desc)
			if (col.DataType==typeof(DateTime))
			else if (col.DataType==typeof(string))
			else if (col.DataType==typeof(sbyte) 
				|| col.DataType==typeof(byte) 
				|| col.DataType==typeof(short) 
				|| col.DataType==typeof(ushort)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(int)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(uint)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(long)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(ulong)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(float)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(double)
				|| col.DataType==typeof(decimal)

And finally, this class rests on a class to deal with the individual column types.

using System;
using CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter;

namespace WWB.ExcelDatasetWriter
	/// <summary>
	/// Creates a Column for CarlosAg.ExcelXmlWriter
	/// </summary>

	internal class ColumnType
		public ColumnType()
		private string name;
		public string Name
			get {return name;}
			set {name=value;}

		private DataType excelType;
		public DataType ExcelType
			get {return excelType;}
			set {excelType=value;}

		public WorksheetCell GetHeaderCell()
			WorksheetCell head=new WorksheetCell(Name, DataType.String);
			return head;

		private string getDataTypeFormatString()
			if (ExcelType==DataType.DateTime)
				return "s";
			return null;

		public WorksheetCell GetDataCell(object data)
			WorksheetCell dc=new WorksheetCell();
			if (ExcelType==DataType.DateTime && data is DateTime)
				DateTime dt=(DateTime)data;
				string dataString=data.ToString();
				if (dataString == null || dataString.Length==0)
			return dc;

Now, the first two code samples are quite straight-forwards. But the final one deals with a few quirks of the library. The main issue is the WorksheetCell.Data.Text property is actually a string, not an object. It literally writes its value to the spreadsheet. And sometimes this can conflict with the DataType property, leading to interesting (and hard to pinpoint) excel errors. In any case, the GetCellData(object) method wraps reasonably effectively for general purpose use.

Now, to make excel open the spreadsheet, you just need to remember to stream it back to the browser with the appropriate content type:

	ExcelDatasetWriter edw=new ExcelDatasetWriter();
	Workbook wb=CreateWorksheet(MyDataSet);
	Response.ContentType = "application/";

So, to summarize:

  1. Writing excel is a common need.
  2. Using Excel object libraries on a web server is a bad idea.
  3. Writing Excel using managed code is a good idea.
  4. CarlosAg’s excel writer helps you generate excel without ever stepping into interop land.

Enjoy and happy coding.

Frequently Asked Questions about Making Excel the Carlosag Way

What is the Carlosag way of making Excel?

The Carlosag way of making Excel refers to a unique approach of using Excel, developed by Carlos Aguilar Mares, a renowned software developer. This method involves using Excel as a tool for coding, data analysis, and visualization. It leverages Excel’s powerful features and functionalities to create efficient and effective solutions for various tasks.

How does the Carlosag way differ from traditional Excel usage?

Traditional Excel usage primarily focuses on data entry, basic calculations, and simple charting. However, the Carlosag way takes it a step further by using Excel as a coding tool. It involves using Excel’s advanced features like VBA programming, complex formulas, and pivot tables to perform sophisticated data analysis and visualization tasks.

Can I use the Carlosag way of Excel without any coding knowledge?

While the Carlosag way does involve some level of coding, it is designed to be user-friendly and accessible. Basic knowledge of Excel and a willingness to learn can help you get started. However, to fully leverage this method, some understanding of VBA programming and Excel’s advanced features would be beneficial.

How can I learn the Carlosag way of making Excel?

The best way to learn the Carlosag way is by exploring the various resources available online. Carlos Aguilar Mares himself has shared numerous tutorials, guides, and tools on his website and social media platforms. Additionally, you can also find various tutorials and guides on websites like SitePoint.

What are the benefits of using the Carlosag way of making Excel?

The Carlosag way of making Excel offers numerous benefits. It allows you to leverage Excel’s advanced features to perform complex tasks efficiently. It can help you automate repetitive tasks, perform sophisticated data analysis, and create dynamic visualizations. Moreover, it can also enhance your problem-solving skills and make you a more proficient Excel user.

Is the Carlosag way of making Excel suitable for all types of tasks?

While the Carlosag way is highly versatile, it may not be suitable for all types of tasks. It is particularly useful for tasks that involve data analysis, visualization, and automation. However, for simple tasks like data entry or basic calculations, traditional Excel usage may be more appropriate.

Can I use the Carlosag way of making Excel on all versions of Excel?

The Carlosag way of making Excel is designed to work with all versions of Excel. However, some advanced features may not be available in older versions. Therefore, it is recommended to use the latest version of Excel to fully leverage this method.

How can I troubleshoot issues while using the Carlosag way of making Excel?

If you encounter any issues while using the Carlosag way, you can refer to the various resources available online. Carlos Aguilar Mares has shared numerous troubleshooting guides on his website. Additionally, you can also seek help from online communities and forums dedicated to Excel.

Can I use the Carlosag way of making Excel for professional purposes?

Absolutely! The Carlosag way of making Excel is not just for personal use. It can be a powerful tool for professionals, especially those working in fields like data analysis, finance, and project management. It can help you perform your tasks more efficiently and effectively.

Is the Carlosag way of making Excel safe?

Yes, the Carlosag way of making Excel is safe. It involves using Excel’s built-in features and functionalities, and does not require any third-party tools or software. However, as with any tool, it is important to use it responsibly and ensure that your data is securely stored and backed up.

Wyatt BarnettWyatt Barnett
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