Registering Domain Objects with a Unit of Work
In his book Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, Martin Fowler discusses two mainstream approaches that can be followed when it comes to implementing a UOW: the first makes the UOW directly responsible for registering or queuing domain objects for insertion, update, or deletion, and the second shifts this responsibility over to the domain objects themselves. In this case, since I’d like to have the domain model only encapsulating my business logic and remain agnostic about any form of persistence that may exist further down in other layers, I’m going to just stick to the commandments of the first option. In either case, you’re free to pick the approach you feel will fit the bill the best. A lightweight implementation of a UOW might look like this:<?php
namespace ModelRepository;
use ModelEntityInterface;
interface UnitOfWorkInterface
public function fetchById($id);
public function registerNew(EntityInterface $entity);
public function registerClean(EntityInterface $entity);
public function registerDirty(EntityInterface $entity);
public function registerDeleted(EntityInterface $entity);
public function commit();
public function rollback();
public function clear();
namespace ModelRepository;
use MapperDataMapperInterface,
class UnitOfWork implements UnitOfWorkInterface
const STATE_NEW = "NEW";
protected $dataMapper;
protected $storage;
public function __construct(DataMapperInterface $dataMapper, ObjectStorageInterface $storage) {
$this->dataMapper = $dataMapper;
$this->storage = $storage;
public function getDataMapper() {
return $this->dataMapper;
public function getObjectStorage() {
return $this->storage;
public function fetchById($id) {
$entity = $this->dataMapper->fetchById($id);
return $entity;
public function registerNew(EntityInterface $entity) {
$this->registerEntity($entity, self::STATE_NEW);
return $this;
public function registerClean(EntityInterface $entity) {
$this->registerEntity($entity, self::STATE_CLEAN);
return $this;
public function registerDirty(EntityInterface $entity) {
$this->registerEntity($entity, self::STATE_DIRTY);
return $this;
public function registerDeleted(EntityInterface $entity) {
$this->registerEntity($entity, self::STATE_REMOVED);
return $this;
protected function registerEntity($entity, $state = self::STATE_CLEAN) {
$this->storage->attach($entity, $state);
public function commit() {
foreach ($this->storage as $entity) {
switch ($this->storage[$entity]) {
case self::STATE_NEW:
case self::STATE_DIRTY:
case self::STATE_REMOVED:
public function rollback() {
// your custom rollback implementation goes here
public function clear() {
return $this;
It should be clear to see that a UOW is nothing but plain, in-memory object storage which keeps track of which domain objects should be scheduled for insertion, update, and removal. In short, the convention could be boiled down to something along these lines: domain objects that need to be added to the storage will be registered “NEW”; those being updated will be marked “DIRTY”; the ones flagged “REMOVED” will be… yep, dropped from the database. In addition, any object registered “CLEAN” will be kept frozen and safe in memory until the client code explicitly requests to modify its associated state.
Of course, the method that performs these persistence-related operations in just one single transaction is commit()
, which exploits the functionality of an still undefined data mapper to get access to the persistence layer. It would be even easier for you to understand the UOW’s inner workings if I show you the implementation of the collaborators injected in its constructor, so here’s the components that compose the object storage module:
namespace LibraryStorage;
interface ObjectStorageInterface extends Countable, Iterator, ArrayAccess
public function attach($object, $data = null);
public function detach($object);
public function clear();
namespace LibraryStorage;
class ObjectStorage extends SplObjectStorage implements ObjectStorageInterface
public function clear() {
$tempStorage = clone $this;
$tempStorage = null;
In this case in particular, I decided to use a slightly-customized implementation of the SplObjectStorage
class for registering domain objects without much fuss along with their related states with the UOW, even though pretty much the same can be also achieved using plain arrays. Again, it’s up to you to have the domain objects registered by using the method that best accommodates your needs.
With the custom ObjectStorage
class in place, let’s take a look at the implementation of the aforementioned data mapper:
namespace Mapper;
use ModelEntityInterface;
interface DataMapperInterface
public function fetchById($id);
public function fetchAll(array $conditions = array());
public function insert(EntityInterface $entity);
public function update(EntityInterface $entity);
public function save(EntityInterface $entity);
public function delete(EntityInterface $entity);
namespace Mapper;
use LibraryDatabaseDatabaseAdapterInterface,
abstract class AbstractDataMapper implements DataMapperInterface
protected $adapter;
protected $collection;
protected $entityTable;
public function __construct(DatabaseAdapterInterface $adapter, EntityCollectionInterface $collection, $entityTable = null) {
$this->adapter = $adapter;
$this->collection = $collection;
if ($entityTable !== null) {
public function setEntityTable($entityTable) {
if (!is_string($table) || empty($entityTable)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The entity table is invalid.");
$this->entityTable = $entityTable;
return $this;
public function fetchById($id) {
array("id" => $id));
if (!$row = $this->adapter->fetch()) {
return null;
return $this->loadEntity($row);
public function fetchAll(array $conditions = array()) {
$this->adapter->select($this->entityTable, $conditions);
$rows = $this->adapter->fetchAll();
return $this->loadEntityCollection($rows);
public function insert(EntityInterface $entity) {
return $this->adapter->insert($this->entityTable,
public function update(EntityInterface $entity) {
return $this->adapter->update($this->entityTable,
$entity->toArray(), "id = $entity->id");
public function save(EntityInterface $entity) {
return !isset($entity->id)
? $this->adapter->insert($this->entityTable,
: $this->adapter->update($this->entityTable,
$entity->toArray(), "id = $entity->id");
public function delete(EntityInterface $entity) {
return $this->adapter->delete($this->entityTable,
"id = $entity->id");
protected function loadEntityCollection(array $rows) {
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$this->collection[] = $this->loadEntity($row);
return $this->collection;
abstract protected function loadEntity(array $row);
The AbstractDataMapper
puts behind a pretty standard API the bulk of logic required for pulling domain objects in and out of the database. To make things even easier, it’d be also nice to derivate a refined implementation of it, that way we could easily test the UOW with a few sample user objects. Here’s how this extra mapping subclass looks:
namespace Mapper;
use ModelUser;
class UserMapper extends AbstractDataMapper
protected $entityTable = "users";
protected function loadEntity(array $row) {
return new User(array(
"id" => $row["id"],
"name" => $row["name"],
"email" => $row["email"],
"role" => $row["role"]));
At this point we just could put our hands on the UOW and see if its transactional schema delivers what it promises. But before we do, first off we really should drop at least a few domain objects in memory. That way, we can get them neatly registered with the UOW. So let’s now define a primitive Domain Model which will be charged with supplying the objects in question.
Defining a basic Domain Model
Frankly speaking, there are several ways to implement a functional Domain Model (most likely there exists one per developer living and breathing out there). Since in this case I want the process to be both painless and short, the model I’ll be using for testing the UOW will be composed just of a prototypical entity class, along with a derivative, which will be charged with spawning basic users objects:<?php
namespace Model;
interface EntityInterface
public function setField($name, $value);
public function getField($name);
public function fieldExists($name);
public function removeField($name);
public function toArray();
namespace Model;
abstract class AbstractEntity implements EntityInterface
protected $fields = array();
protected $allowedFields = array();
public function __construct(array $fields = array()) {
if (!empty($fields)) {
foreach ($fields as $name => $value) {
$this->$name = $value;
public function setField($name, $value) {
return $this->__set($name, $value);
public function getField($name) {
return $this->__get($name);
public function fieldExists($name) {
return $this->__isset($name);
public function removeField($name) {
return $this->__unset($name);
public function toArray() {
return $this->fields;
public function __set($name, $value) {
$mutator = "set" . ucfirst(strtolower($name));
if (method_exists($this, $mutator) &&
is_callable(array($this, $mutator))) {
else {
$this->fields[$name] = $value;
return $this;
public function __get($name) {
$accessor = "get" . ucfirst($name);
if (method_exists($this, $accessor) &&
is_callable(array($this, $accessor))) {
return $this->$accessor();
if (!$this->__isset($name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The field '$name' has not been set for this entity yet.");
return $this->fields[$name];
public function __isset($name) {
return isset($this->fields[$name]);
public function __unset($name) {
if (!$this->__isset($name)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The field "$name" has not been set for this entity yet.");
return $this;
protected function checkAllowedFields($field) {
if (!in_array($field, $this->allowedFields)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The requested operation on the field '$field' is not allowed for this entity.");
namespace Model;
class User extends AbstractEntity
const ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE = "Administrator";
const GUEST_ROLE = "Guest";
protected $allowedFields = array("id", "name", "email", "role");
public function setId($id) {
if (isset($this->fields["id"])) {
throw new BadMethodCallException(
"The ID for this user has been set already.");
if (!is_int($id) || $id < 1) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The user ID is invalid.");
$this->fields["id"] = $id;
return $this;
public function setName($name) {
if (strlen($name) < 2 || strlen($name) > 30) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The user name is invalid.");
$this->fields["name"] = htmlspecialchars(trim($name),
return $this;
public function setEmail($email) {
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The user email is invalid.");
$this->fields["email"] = $email;
return $this;
public function setRole($role) {
if ($role !== self::ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE &&
$role !== self::GUEST_ROLE) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"The user role is invalid.");
$this->fields["role"] = $role;
return $this;
While the implementations of the AbstractEntity
and User
classes might look complex at first glance, I assure this is just a fuzzy impression. In fact, the former is a skeletal wrapper for some typical PHP magic methods, while the latter encapsulates some straightforward mutators, in order to assign the appropriate values to the fields of generic user objects.
With these domain classes already doing their business in relaxed insulation, let’s now do the last building block of the model. In reality, this is an optional class which can be skipped over if the situation warrants, and its responsibility is just to wrap collections of entities. Its implementation is as following:
namespace ModelCollection;
use ModelEntityInterface;
interface EntityCollectionInterface extends Countable, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate
public function add(EntityInterface $entity);
public function remove(EntityInterface $entity);
public function get($key);
public function exists($key);
public function clear();
public function toArray();
namespace ModelCollection;
use ModelEntityInterface;
class EntityCollection implements EntityCollectionInterface
protected $entities = array();
public function __construct(array $entities = array())
if (!empty($entities)) {
$this->entities = $entities;
public function add(EntityInterface $entity) {
public function remove(EntityInterface $entity) {
public function get($key) {
public function exists($key) {
return $this->offsetExists($key);
public function clear() {
$this->entities = array();
public function toArray() {
return $this->entities;
public function count() {
return count($this->entities);
public function offsetSet($key, $entity)
if (!$entity instanceof EntityInterface) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(
"Could not add the entity to the collection.");
if (!isset($key)) {
$this->entities[] = $entity;
else {
$this->entities[$key] = $entity;
public function offsetUnset($key) {
if ($key instanceof EntityInterface) {
$this->entities = array_filter($this->entities,
function ($v) use ($key) {
return $v !== $key;
else if (isset($this->entities[$key])) {
public function offsetGet($key) {
if (isset($this->entities[$key])) {
return $this->entities[$key];
public function offsetExists($key) {
return $key instanceof EntityInterface
? array_search($key, $this->entities)
: isset($this->entities[$key]);
public function getIterator() {
return new ArrayIterator($this->entities);
At this point we’ve managed to create a primitive domain model, which certainly we can use for engendering user objects without a major hassle. In doing do, we have a real chance to see if the UOW is actually the functional component it seems to be when it comes to persisting multiple entities in the database as one single transaction.
Putting the UOW Under Test
If you’ve reached this point of the article, you probably feel like you’re being pulled in opposite directions, wondering if all of the hard up front work required in writing a bunch of interfaces and classes was really worth it. In fact, it was. Moreover, if you’re still skeptical, make sure check the following code snippet, which shows how to put the UOW to work in sweet synchrony with some naïve user objects:<?php
require_once __DIR__ . "/Library/Loader/Autoloader.php";
$autoloader = new Autoloader;
$adapter = new PdoAdapter("mysql:dbname=test", "myfancyusername",
$unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(new UserMapper($adapter,
new EntityCollection), new ObjectStorage);
$user1 = new User(array("name" => "John Doe",
"email" => ""));
$user2 = $unitOfWork->fetchById(1);
$user2->name = "Joe";
$user3 = $unitOfWork->fetchById(2);
$user4 = $unitOfWork->fetchById(3);
$user4->name = "Julie";
Leaving aside some irrelevant details, such as assuming there’s effectively a PDO adapter living somewhere, the driving logic of the earlier script should be fairly easy to assimilate. Simply put, it shows off how to get things rolling with the UOW, which drags in some user objects from the database and queues them for insertion, update, and deletion by using the corresponding registering methods. At the end of the process, commit()
just loops internally over the registered objects and performs the proper operations all in one go.
While in a standard implementation a UOW does expose the typical set of registering methods that we’d expect to see, its formal definition doesn’t provide any kind of finder. In this case, however, I decided intentionally to implement a generic one so you can see more clearly how to pull in objects from storage and in turn register them with the UOW without struggling with the oddities of a standalone, closer-to-the domain structure, such as a Repository or even an overkill Service.
Closing Thoughts
Now that you’ve peeked behind the curtain at a UOW and learned how to implement a naïve one from scratch, let your wild side show and tweak it at your will. Keep in mind though that while there are benefits with the pattern, it’s far from being a panacea that will solve all of the issues associated with massive accesses to the persistence layer. In enterprise-level applications that must perform expensive database writes across several places, though, a UOW provides an effective, transactional-like approach that reduces the underlying overhead, hence becoming a solid, multifaceted solution when properly coupled to a caching mechanism. Image via Zhukov Oleg / ShutterstockFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Implementing a Unit of Work
What is the main purpose of the Unit of Work pattern in software development?
The Unit of Work pattern is a software design pattern that maintains a list of objects affected by a business transaction and coordinates the writing out of changes and the resolution of concurrency problems. It’s primarily used to ensure that all changes are made within a single transaction, thus maintaining the integrity of data and ensuring consistency. This pattern is particularly useful in applications where multiple operations need to be performed as a single atomic operation.
How does the Unit of Work pattern differ from the Repository pattern?
While both the Unit of Work and Repository patterns are used to abstract and encapsulate data access, they serve different purposes. The Repository pattern is used to decouple the business logic from the data access logic, providing a simpler interface for accessing data. On the other hand, the Unit of Work pattern is used to group a set of operations into a single transaction, ensuring that all operations either succeed or fail as a whole.
Can the Unit of Work pattern be used with any type of database?
Yes, the Unit of Work pattern can be used with any type of database, whether it’s a relational database like MySQL or PostgreSQL, or a NoSQL database like MongoDB or Cassandra. The pattern is not tied to any specific type of database, but rather to the concept of a transaction, which is a common feature in most databases.
What are the benefits of using the Unit of Work pattern?
The Unit of Work pattern provides several benefits. First, it ensures data integrity by grouping related operations into a single transaction. Second, it simplifies error handling, as you only need to handle errors at the transaction level, rather than for each individual operation. Third, it can improve performance by reducing the number of database round-trips, as all operations are sent to the database in a single batch.
Are there any drawbacks to using the Unit of Work pattern?
While the Unit of Work pattern provides many benefits, it’s not without its drawbacks. One potential drawback is that it can lead to increased memory usage, as all changes are held in memory until the transaction is committed. Another potential drawback is that it can make the code more complex, especially in scenarios where nested transactions are required.
How does the Unit of Work pattern handle concurrency issues?
The Unit of Work pattern handles concurrency issues by keeping track of all changes made during a transaction. If two transactions try to modify the same object at the same time, the pattern can detect this and prevent one of the transactions from proceeding, thus avoiding a potential conflict.
Can the Unit of Work pattern be used in a multi-threaded environment?
Yes, the Unit of Work pattern can be used in a multi-threaded environment. However, care must be taken to ensure that each thread has its own instance of the Unit of Work, to avoid potential conflicts and concurrency issues.
How does the Unit of Work pattern relate to the concept of persistence ignorance?
Persistence ignorance is the principle that business logic should not be concerned with data storage details. The Unit of Work pattern supports this principle by abstracting away the details of transaction management and data persistence, allowing the business logic to focus on business rules and workflows.
Is the Unit of Work pattern applicable only to Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks?
While the Unit of Work pattern is commonly used in conjunction with ORM frameworks, it’s not limited to them. The pattern can be used in any scenario where you need to group a set of operations into a single transaction, regardless of whether you’re using an ORM framework, raw SQL, or some other data access method.
How does the Unit of Work pattern handle rollbacks?
In the Unit of Work pattern, if an error occurs during the execution of a transaction, all changes made during that transaction are rolled back, returning the system to its previous state. This ensures that the system remains consistent, even in the face of errors.
Alejandro Gervasio is a senior System Analyst from Argentina who has been involved in software development since the mid-80's. He has more than 12 years of experience in PHP development, 10 years in Java Programming, Object-Oriented Design, and most of the client-side technologies available out there.