Evaluating PHP Applications

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Perhaps the two most common questions I’ve seen people ask, when it comes to evaluating PHP applications are;

  • Does it loook good?
  • Is it easy to install?

Now not everyone is a programmer or a system administrator – “normal human beings” rank these highly because they relate directly to the two most pressing problems they’re facing: they want a site which is visually attractive and, with limited technical expertise, installation can be a significant hurdle to overcome.

But when it comes to security or maintenance, those requirements rank pretty low down. So here’s some different things to think about, following on from this talk (PDF) on page 19, which I’d argue rank much higher when evaluating a project you plan to use (further suggestions appreciated).

Note that in an ideal world you’d have time and expertise on hand to do a full code review but in reality that’s not going to happen so what I’m suggesting here is meant as a reasonable compromise to help you build up a “ballpark” feeling for an application without making a huge effort.

What’s the security record like? The obvious place to find out is via Google with some searches like “appName exploit”, “appName vulnerability”, “appName security”. A place to get a better impression is searching the Bugtraq mailing lists.

Of course you have to bear in mind that quality of information may vary – simply finding a random online opinion that “appName rox / sux” is not enough. Also newer or less popular applications won’t have attracted enough attention to form valid opinions this way. And you have to bear in mind that pretty much every application that’s been around and has real users will have problems at one time or other but comparing this to this, it’s easy to spot the difference.

As a side note there, I’d recommend registering on this mailing list – pretty much all security issues with well known (and less well known) PHP Open Source code bases get announced here.

What’s the code like? Although a complete code review is not realistic, with a little effort and knowhow, you can get a good idea of how the code smells.

Number 1 tool here is phpxref, which makes it very easy to identify use (or lack of) of PHP functions – run the source code through it that check the results. For example you might look for use of eval (and friends) – in general there’s zero valid reason to use eval so if you find it, query the developers on exactly why they used it. You might also find the absence of some functions indicators – if the app uses MySQL at the backend, do you find any of mysql_escape_string, mysql_real_escape_string or addslashes to escape parameters to SQL queries. Are htmlspecialchars or htmlentities being used to escape output? Is there any use of the PCRE or POSIX extended regular expressions functions for stuff like validation?

Otherwise, what does the code look like to you? This is highly subjective and depends on your experience but does it look “sane”?

How is the code being managed? Another area to investigate is how the project is actually run. How many people are involved and are they active? Do they have sense making release / upgrade policies – clear version numbering, good documentation on how to upgrade, are they using version control, what are their communication channels etc.?

Chris Kunz made a wry remark while giving this talk. He helps run a shared hosting company and pointed out most of their users were extremely happy when they could install an application in the first place – once installed there was no way they were going to risk breaking it with an upgrade.

As a user of an application, you have to be aware that it is really your responsibility to keep pace with new releases, especially when they contain bug or security fixes. As an example of a project that does a good job here, check out Serendipity’s upgrade docs. The question you need to ask yourself is “can I do this?”. You’re also going to need to make the effort to stay informed – subscribe to the relevant mailing list / RSS feed etc., so you hear about new releases.

Does it scale? More on the maintenance front, what’s the application like after you’ve been using it for a while and you’ve collected a volume of data and a crowd of active users? Can that forum cope with a large number of posts and concurrent users? How does that wiki handle a large number of documents? Is using the packaged RSS feed like volunteering for a DOS attack? How easy is it to backup / restore the data? Is a shared host account with nothing but FTP access adequate to maintain this application? Does the admin interface allow you to cope with 20,000 registered users?

Some of those kind of questions can be answered by talking to other users. Others can be determined by seeing what the developers are doing for example are they benchmarking / profiling their code?

Who’s using it? That Mediawiki is the code behind Wikipedia is obviously a very good indicator. Meanwhile Zend use fudforum. I’m not suggesting blindly following here BTW – the reasons for selection may not match situation (you could always ask) but this does serve as a useful indicator.

You should also be careful about “following the herd”. Just because “everyone” uses it, doesn’t always mean it’s the smartest choice. There may also be a specific benefit to not using the same as everyone else – big installed bases make attactive targets.

Who’s got an opinion? There are a lot of people “out there” with knowledge of PHP, so getting opinions isn’t a problem. At the same time, it’s worth considering where an opinion is coming from and bearing in mind it’s just an opinion. Sometimes even the most experienced disagree. So this path can be as misleading as it is useful but shouldn’t be ignored.

Anyway – that’s off the top of my head. Anything else?

Harry FuecksHarry Fuecks
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Harry Fuecks is the Engineering Project Lead at Tamedia and formerly the Head of Engineering at Squirro. He is a data-driven facilitator, leader, coach and specializes in line management, hiring software engineers, analytics, mobile, and marketing. Harry also enjoys writing and you can read his articles on SitePoint and Medium.

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