Would love some honest feedback

Hi Guys,

Would love some honest feedback on www.whatawasteofmoney.com
This is a site listing unique and unusual gift ideas.

What works on this site? If any :smile: ANd what can I improve. Im sure there is lots.


Hi Richard!

Seems like a nice idea, to help people give each other gifts they’ll like.

I think the site title is questionable. It kind of says to me “not well spent time or money”, and the hostname is hard to read I think, a bit too long. What about a hostname like happygifts or wellspentmoney instead, the other way around? :- )

The gifts I see aren’t actually things I’d like to give away. People have coffee cups already, and I don’t know anyone who wants a large inflatable water slide, and if they need a jacket for their dog they have bought it already probably. The time machine car seems like something I wouldn’t use so very often. — What about trying to find other gifts? A acquaintance of mine has built this site: http://www.presentjakt.se/ it’s in Swedish, but here you’ll find it in English:

— you’ll notice that there are 3 large buttons: gifts to children / to your girlfriend or wife / to your boyfriend or husband. So people can quickly narrow the scope to the right kind of gifts. Have a careful look at how he’s built that site, I would suggest.

Another tips: Make your subtitle, “Find Unique Gifts 
”, larger. It’s important that people easily find the purpose of the site I think.

Anyway best wishes.

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