Will I be charged if I stop the ECS instance (Pay-as-you-go payment method) for any services?

I have stopped my ECS instance which is under Pay-as-you-go payment method, so do i’ll be charged for any services which is running?

Thanks in advance!


I have worked with other cloud provides as well, when we talk about Alibaba Cloud you will absolutely not get charged for the Compute Power on the ECS instance if you stop it. But you will get charged for the storage. Better I will example with my own experience.

I have a 2vCPU ,4GB RAM, 40 GB Ultra Cloud Disk ECS running with Ubuntu. I get charged only $0.01 which I feel it is only for the storage which I have used and It is negligible.
I would confirm that i didn’t get charged anything overall.

So which is it? :thinking:

I mean that $0.01/monthly counted almost nothing when I compared to the $30 of operating cost. So I said nothing charged overall. Anyways Alibaba can’t charge $0.01 on my card :slight_smile:
Thanks for asking this makes clear now.

Alibaba supports No fees for stopped instances feature and this applies to all VPC-Connected Pay-As-You-Go instances. You can learn more about the applicable resources, enabling and disabling the feature on this link