Why won't IE Back Button work from a pdf?

I think I have my first attempt running but there’s an IE glitch that’s killing me.

If I link to a pdf file, the back button in IE greys out and the person viewing can’t return to the pages. The View-GoTo-Back works but its key shortcut doesn’t.

Firefox works perfectly fine; forwards, backwards, everywhere.

I was able to put hyperlinks into the primary pdfs, going back to the home page, and that worked, but the some of the pdfs in back kinda need to look like they do, and I don’t want to molest them all. Besides, shouldn’t this work anyway?

Sorry if everyone knows about already this but I don’t.

A representative page where the problem happens is




Which links exactly since I didn’t notice the back button greying-out in M$IE it may also depend on the program version and how the plugin was configured.

I assume you meant the dropdown navigation menu: View> ‘Go to’ is not available however the ‘Go to’ menu appears instead. The key shortcuts still work but initially the PDF object will take focus thus you may need to TAB to highlight the address bar fist then the ‘ALT + Left Arrow’ will be available.

Thanks, x, I found the embarrassingly stupid thing that I was doing wrong.

Sometimes I wish I could erase selected portions of the past but if I did I’d end up about three years old.