I was thinking today while at work, what makes sites like Groupon, Facebook, Kijiji, so successful, when dozens of existing competitors were already establishing themselves.
I am not looking for a case by case study here, it’s obvious that Facebook beat myspace for a plethora of specific reasons (downtime, cluttered design, slow, excessive ad banners, etc). Craiglist looks nasty and Groupon (well it’s relatively new and I haven’t put much thought into comparing to other apples).
I am curious to hear a general opinion on this subject matter. Marketing plays a huge role, but how or why did Groupon begin garnering attention from local media outlets? I remember hearing about Google way back in 2000ish on TechTV or something similar. I made the switch from Yahoo/MSN and never looked back.
Obviously very sucessful projects reach a critical mass at which point they seem to really explode onto the pop culture scene (movies, commercials, etc).
On second thought, give me any feedback you can, even if it’s technically related, like the faults of MySpace VS FB, Craigslist VS Kijiji, etc,