Web Design Software?

Hello all respected members,

What is some good we design software?
Commonly used (Capability)?

Any reply highly appreciated.

I favor a hardware solution, paper and pencil. Perhaps you could expand on what it is you expect of this software.



Thanks Turner to share your especial knowledge with us…

Notepad++. EditPad works almost as well. Dreamweaver if you want a program to do some of the work for you (and as a result, create code that needs pruning).

I use Crimson Editor. You should steer clear of any WYSIWYG software as by hand coding you have a better chance of understanding the code.

Have you tried the new version, Emerald Editor?

That’s the version that I’m using it’s listed on the “About” as “Crimson Editor 3.72 English (Open Source Edition)”.

did u try this software???The HTML Editor, Shopping Cart Creator, Visual Site Designer, Shopping Cart Designer

There are so many good design software on our market today.

Dreamweaver and Frontpage

There are many online editors available too.

Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Dreamweaver

And as someone else said, web design begins with pencil and paper as well :slight_smile:

Photoshop and Adobe Dreamweaver!

A good starting point is simply using CMS systems too.

Design Software,witch design C#dot net,jsp, php.you can choise is …

Cheers this is the most basic yet the most effective of them all. I resorted back to paper and pencil when my wacom tab screwed up. Also as an addition to the above suggestions 3ds max is also good for 3d scenes and objects.

Adobe Photoshop / Illustrator / Dreamweaver / Flash / Notepad

Adobe® Creative Suite® 4 Web Premium software

If you find it too expensive then just buy Dreamweaver and Photoshop .

The web suite pack contains :

Flash CS4 Professional
Photoshop CS4 Extended
Illustrator CS4
Fireworks CS4
Acrobat 9 Pro
Soundbooth CS4
Contribute CS4
Adobe Bridge CS4
Adobe Device Central CS4
Version Cue CS4

Hello whats Version Cue CS4 for?

I have no idea what you’re trying to convey here.

Adobe Fireworks is fastest and very user frindly. You can learn it in few days.