Wanting to start my own agency

Hey all background about me i am a Web developer for a massive digital marketing company based out of the US. I average closing 5-8 new prospects at about $400-$700 a month for website hosting, developing, seo, sm management etc. All of my own prospecting. However I do nothing on the back end once the client is signed up.

I am thinking of white-labeling SEO and using my prospecting and ability to set, run, and close demos to build an agency.

I know nothing is easy and there is a lot to learn I just wanted to speed up the learning curve and utilize Site Point and Reddit.

Hoping for some thoughts, red flags, advice, and things to look out for.

… so… what exactly do you do? Maybe i’m not understanding. Do you actually do any of the work? or are you just a pitchman, using the name “web developer”?

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Like @m_hutley says - what do you actually do, and what do you want to do. t sounds like you are a salesman or as m_hutley calls it a ‘pitchman’ (although I do disagree with the word ‘just’). I have the greatest respect for any professional and skilled salesman. If that is what you say so. Are you looking to sell services and then contract them out or are you looking to learn Web design ? Because the two are very different.


As do I - but if they are ‘just’ a pitchman - in the sense of ‘just’ meaning ‘defining the scope of job activities to a subset of the total’ - using the title “web developer” is kind of like Billy Mays saying he’s a Cleaning Solvents Engineer. You can be great at the job, but you should use the right job title as to not be misleading. Call yourself a… Lead Generation Specialist, or something.

A brief glance at the OP’s profile tells me he came back to the forum 2 hours after I made my post, and decided not to respond. So i’m not sure we’ll ever get an answer as to our questions.

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Shame when that happens, wonder why they bother in the first place. I had a friend who dug ditches, nice guy, called himself a ‘Soil Engineer’ :smile:


As anyone who plays Grand Theft Auto video games will be able to recite to you… “Hygiene Technician”… yes, the guy pushing the mop around the bathrooms at the local burger shop.

Got no problem with trying to make the job title sound fancy. As long as it’s the job you’re actually doing. :wink: