Upload Custom HTML and CSS files


I was wondering if there is a CMS or Admin panel, that I could upload custom-made HTML/CSS pages, so after that, I could change the content or images through this CMS/Panel without using any code.

I think you cannot upload plain HTML/CSS pages in wordpress and that it needs some modifications in order to do this.

Is there any other platform/way that it may be more easy?

Well you can upload HTML/CSS to various CMS platforms using FTP to the server or using a file manager on the web host. You can also upload all sorts of HTML and CSS documents through CMS platforms, but often if the CMS/panel doesn’t actually know about it, it really can’t manage it. Plus many documents in a CMS/panel have special tags or characteristics on how it manages the content. I mean after all, they are Content Management Systems (CMS). Wordpress uses templates and pages to render a page, Drupal and Joomla as well.

Most of the time you will need to part out your custom HTML page and its CSS and put them in the correct places inside a CMS to migrate the content over. If your content is originally from another CMS, you also might be able to find some kind of import tool for your target CMS/panel that may help you do the job faster.

Obviously moving content between platforms that have different ways of doing things and with code that can be very custom, it is going to be hard if not impossible through an automated process. :frowning:

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Thank you for your answer Martyr2!

Yes these are true, I will try to find an easy CMS to adjust custom-mage pages, so it will be easy for the end user to change content for a web page.

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