The Future's Bright, the Future's... Fuchsia?

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An intriguing Git repository appeared a few days ago from Google. Entitled Fuchsia, it claims to be “a new Operating System”, and has certain sections of the internet chattering about what its purpose is.

It has support for far more languages than Android, with Dart, Go, LLVM and Rust compilers built in. The Dart support especially is well ingrained, and after recent experiments with the language myself, I often wondered how much of a Java replacement it could be.

On first inspection it seems ideal for embedded devices, but other features and code commits hint at a unified OS for desktop and mobile.

It’s unlikely that Google have any concrete plans to replace Android just yet, and it’s even more unlikely that they would work on it in the open. Still, it’s a fascinating mystery, I’d love to know what you think about our new pink and purple enigma.


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