Simplest all-in-one ecommerce solution for multicurrency purchases on site

I have a friend that is wanting to sell a piece of software they’ve made online. They’ve spent a bit on getting the site looking good and the product has potnetial markets in the US and UK, as well as Australia. But sales volumes are likeky to be very low to start with.

I’m building a script that will generate license codes but am not sure on the simplest solution to paying online

PayPal was first thought, since he doesn’t want to have to get a merchant account himself through his bank at this stage.

However a quick play with buy now buttons left me unimpressed and unable to see how I can easily pass back success/order codes without getting into API/IPN coding?

I was thinking of WorldPay but we’re based in Aus, and they’re proving hard to get in contact with here.

2Checkout is another option, but has very high transaction fees, still it’s worth considering to

Any opinions appreciated.

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