Should I take MBA

hey guys,

Right now I’m doing my undergraduate studies in bioinformatics but somehow I’m not feeling this field as my feild I want to do business but if I take BBA I would have to loose my one year, Cause m about to finish my first year so can I directly take MBA after bsc n will that be right ??

Welcome to the forums, @sameermodhwadiya68.

If you’re currently studying, do you not have a student advisor you can talk to about these things? That would seem to be a more sensible approach than asking a random selection of people on a web dev forum, many of whom will be unfamiliar with your country’s education system. (Indeed, your post doesn’t even mention your location.)

I’m studying in India

OK. Do you not have a student advisor there who can tell you the best course of action?

This forum is primarily for web development professionals, and I’m having difficulty in seeing how your question might be relevant to that audience, or why you feel they would be qualified to advise you.

Perhaps I’m missing something.

Yes I have an advisor but I’m still so confuse
In India we have. 3 years undergraduate study. And I’m in bioinformatics and if a choose another course I have to waste a year so with having an experience in science sterm should I take MBA

I have no idea how the education system works in other countries or even if it’s the same here now.
When I went to college there were “common core” classes. That is, classes that fulfilled requirements for more than a single major. And of course each major had its own classes specific to itself.

What I did was rather than spreading out the common core classes into several semesters, I got most of the common core classes out of the way in the beginning and “dipped my toes” into the major’s classes. This way, if I decided my choice of a major was not what I wanted to continue with I would at most only “waste” a few credits.

Note that I discussed this plan with my advisor not only at the beginning of my education, but several times throughout. Discussion with your advisor is what you should do, that’s what they’re there for.

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