Selling Display Ads

I am developing a new service for people that have websites and want to sell direct advertising via display ads.

So I’m asking those that have websites to try it out and report back to me any suggestions, comments, features, complaints, anything.

We have a good number of features in the works but just aren’t done now. I guess you could say we are in Beta, although I hate that word.

Thanks for any help.

Looks very nice Rex, how are you going to make money on that?

Thanks Peter. Most likely down the road add features and charge for that. Like a premium acct or something.

I’ve had a couple questions about what it looks like when you have a banner on a site.

The widget is simply code that displays a banner that acts like the “payment” center.

I have a 728x90 (banner) and 160x600 (text ads) that you can see on

Booking Advertising by Days is one option.

But what about CPM and CPC?
What about including infos for potential advertisers
about unique visitors, pageviews of your site, the audience etc.?

I think these are valuable information and without them
serious advertisers wont use your service.

Also what about a link to buying Ad space when Ads are delivered?
Your “hey handsome…” banner would not be shown to potential new
Advertisers. If banners are delivered you should display a small link
below the banner for booking options.

And why not take a small percentage as fee for your service?
I know that you just started and fees always repel people.
But for a real business plan you should later consider them
and put this option into your terms of service.

Just a few thoughts.

We are working on a CPM model but have no plans for CPC.

You can see site detail when you click to upload.

I’ve also been thinking about ways to display a purchase more banner space link when the ad has been bought but haven’t come up with a good solution yet.

We also have no plans to take a percentage. We are going to offer other tools for payment.

Nice design. One thing i would like to know is if there are any publisher requirements. I mean CPM advertisers usually have lots of restriction and requirements in comparison to CPC. So what are the requirements to join publisher media ?

or is publishermedia friendly towards new sites with any small or medium level of traffic ?

That looks like a great tool Rex - just signed up!

Well the system isn’t setup for CPM advertisers, yet. That is coming. It’s just for direct buys.

And no there is not any Publisher requirements. Anyone can use it.

Thanks. Let me know what you think as I’m looking for feedback.