But what about CPM and CPC?
What about including infos for potential advertisers
about unique visitors, pageviews of your site, the audience etc.?
I think these are valuable information and without them
serious advertisers wont use your service.
Also what about a link to buying Ad space when Ads are delivered?
Your “hey handsome…” banner would not be shown to potential new
Advertisers. If banners are delivered you should display a small link
below the banner for booking options.
And why not take a small percentage as fee for your service?
I know that you just started and fees always repel people.
But for a real business plan you should later consider them
and put this option into your terms of service.
We are working on a CPM model but have no plans for CPC.
You can see site detail when you click to upload.
I’ve also been thinking about ways to display a purchase more banner space link when the ad has been bought but haven’t come up with a good solution yet.
We also have no plans to take a percentage. We are going to offer other tools for payment.
Nice design. One thing i would like to know is if there are any publisher requirements. I mean CPM advertisers usually have lots of restriction and requirements in comparison to CPC. So what are the requirements to join publisher media ?
or is publishermedia friendly towards new sites with any small or medium level of traffic ?