I guess my question pertains to inset as well, but in reverse…
I have a contact info box floated to the left of a page. I used the OUTSET border style to give the effect that this box with contact info PROTRUDES from background. However, to my dismay, IE does a poor job of displaying outset. So… as a solution I decided to style the border-top, bottom, right and left each SEPARATELY. But I was confused as to what exactly gives the outset its protruding look and Googled, researched, etc about it, but did not come across a satisfying answer.
Let’s say my background for the page is white (ffffff). And the contact box background-color I want to outset is a medium shade of gray(efefef). What colors would I make my LEFT/TOP(light border) OR RIGHT/BOTTOM(dark border) to achieve the OPTIMAL OUTSET look? The hardest part is figuring out if I make the LEFT/TOP borders white? or if I make the LEFT/TOP borders the same color as background-color for contact box(efefef)? or do I make LEFT/TOP borders a lighter shade of gray than the background color for contact box(lighter than #efefef).
If someone could explain the specific art principles in achieving an optimal outset look that would be so grand… thank you in advance.