So, it looks like my new Gmail account is working okay.
I just went to log in and all of a sudden my phone started ringing - startled me!
Had to enter a code some computer-generated voice gave me by phone, and I checked “Don’t ask for codes again on this computer”.
I am still not sure if my “Recovery Telephone Number” will work since I had no way to receive a text-message with the code to make it a “Verified Number”. (Too bad they don’t offer it via voice as well…)
This is my first time using “Two-Factor Authentication”, so I am feeling pretty important right now!
It appears to be in the cookie, because if I delete all Google cookies and try to log in I get a call, but if I just log out - leaving the cookies alone - and then log back in then I get no new call.
I do sudden have this urge to start searching for random things and maybe download some Google apps, so I’m still no sure that Google has infiltrated my laptop and brain… TBC
I thought about that but can’t users delete that (I was thinking cookies and decided that it could be deleted and thus users would get more calls if htey signed in from that computer.)