Married Minds

Here is a photo of my wife’s closet and my closet. See how different our minds work.

Your wife is neat, tidy. You are not / you are simply lazy.

lol! i love your wife. :slight_smile:

You need to fold your own clothes then.

Your wife doesn’t fold your clothes? Why? Are you working both?

Another reason might be is, you’re just getting clothes at you closet without any care. :wink:

That is one of the funniest pictures I’ve seen this year… It’s almost like you took a snapshot of your life and you ended up being portrayed like one of those LOLCat images (with the greatest sense of irony in that your closet pretty much seems to sum up your identity) :lol:

It’s crazy in the closet too :stuck_out_tongue:

how 'bout a pic of your wife :shifty:

While I enjoy good sense of humour… just in case that you were serious… Relax, Another Designer, it doesn’t mean a thing! (thank goodness for that because you haven’t seen my closet as it is right now! :D)

Give us a photo, molona, pleeeeaaaaase ! :slight_smile:

maybe she’s taller than you and can fold her clothes neatly on the top shelf - that’s the only difference I see :rofl:

I just want to ask the same question. But he’s earlier than me:rofl:

No way. It is too embarrasing :slight_smile:

Nice multi-colored guitar shirt. (in the middle)

It is hardly a surprise. Women are generally more disciplined than Men.

@Crazybanana: you’re nuts but I bet you already knew that :lol:

Is she in the Army ?

Your wife doesn’t fold your clothes? :nono:


Do opposites attract ? I need some similitudes…

That’s a compatibility reason. Are you an early married couple? :stuck_out_tongue:

Your wife is perfect for you, because she is opposite the way you are. You need to learn what your wife does, so that you can work on the things you don’t do when you’re still single.