Is social Book marking benificial or not?

is social Bookmarking is benificial for seo or not ?
can i improve my Keyword Position using Socialbookmarking?

Yes, Social Bookmarking on high PR, indexed site is very beneficial in Link Building.

According to major search engine like Google, bookmarking is beneficial if you are getting visitors from the bookmarking site. Bookmarking is not good for only link building purpose.

Helpful for getting things indexed, but I don’t generally notice it making a major difference to my rankings.

Beneficial for what?

If you are asking if it will help your search engine rankings, the answer is No. In general, the search engines give little or no weight to links that the webmaster can plant himself.

You might get a few visits to your site from people who follow the link directly from the bookmarking site. And in exceptional cases, the numbers involved might be significant. Mostly, though, it won’t lead to a noticeable gain in traffic. (Just ask yourself how often you visit sites because you have clicked through from a social bookmark.)


Yes, Social Bookmarking is the best option to increase website traffic and keyword ranking, but bookmarking site should be good visibility in major search engines.

Social bookmarking is an instant process to get back links but in compare of directory submission there is not any kind of surety to get actual backlinks.

Yes Social bookmarking is worth-full if u submit ur site on High PR web sites , but be aware Fake PR sites , i have bad experience this kind of web sites , before 2 weeks i found 4 to 5 PR SBM Sites and i work it on lot like more then 70 to 80 web site, now after google PR update all site have n/a or 0 PR so be sure work on good web site vich have good PR

Sorry if i m wrong some where, apologize for it

PR is calculated per page, not per site. So a site may have a high PR for the home page and 0 or N/A for internal pages. The PR of the page on which your link is placed is the only one which will have any effect, and if it’s a page where you can easily place a link for yourself, then the chances are it will be very low.

My advice is to work on the quality of your site and its content and don’t waste your time on things that don’t matter.

Yes, social bookmarking is beneficial because social media is one of the popular platforms to promote your businesses. By social bookmarking one can submit posts related to his/her business and can gain a lot of traffic through it

Did you read the earlier posts in this thread by myself and TechnoBear? We gave good reasons why social bookmarking is not beenficial. If you have information to the contrary, by all means put us right. But give us your reasons, not sweeping statements without any substance.


Social media and bookmarking portals usually can help spread the word about hot pieces of news, encouraging others to have a look at your website. If you have written some compelling contents, which catch attention of many people, you will receive some boost in traffic shares.

It usually is not possible to initiate social media campaigns, hoping they will replace some full-fledged SEO projects though, especially in terms of building links for websites, in competitive niches.

Social Bookmarking is definitely worth doing.

It may not have a massive impact on the SEO side of things but it can give you some high volumes of traffic in the short term which is always good.

Social book marketing and social media are good ways to promote your site. social bookmarking websites is one very good channel for driving traffic to the website.

Helpful for getting things indexed, but I don’t generally notice it making a major difference to my rankings.

Yes social bookmarking is useful but if we do it on quality site like diigo, delicious or stumbleupon etc.