Hey guys! I have become recently involved with a brand new e-commerce site which will go live in a few days. (Apologies for the length but I wanted to give you a complete picture so you can give me the best advice)
I want to take charge of the SEO and all internet related marketing. I would love nothing else than to be able to get them to hire some people under me to help me write and do some of the grunt work. I can do all aspects of writing and web-graphic design, etc., but I am also doing IT/Helpdesk and covering for my boss when he is away or in a meeting, so I cant possibly do all the SEO on top of my current responsibilities, but I love SEO and marketing so I would love to work with with the marketing director here and get something nice going, properly.
They have hired a huge marketing firm to handle their print/video/commercial marketing, including TV. They are even supposed to take charge of SM marketing, including blogging etc… (is that a good idea, or shouldn’t that coincide with SEO?)
Last time I talked to me boss, the IT/Web/Publishing Director, it seemed like the SEO area was wide open and he was considering hiring an “outside consultant” or company to just do it, and I was like, ummmm, I can do it, and he said if I wanted to, I probably could. I would just have to push hard so he has no doubt that I can do it.
It seems they really want to implement detailed tracking and stats/analytics, which I know Google can provide like 99% if the info right, but what about tracking incoming phone calls, etc… I know ReachLocal is one of the best companies that does this, but they are like an all-in-one SEO company, so I was thinking of just contacting ATT or Sprint etc. to do some incoming phone tracking. This is a nice little bonus that some people don’t even know exist.
So my question is, if I were to present and take on the whole SEO myself, what are my priorities in presenting the project to my uppers, and also what should be the first few steps I should actually take to maximize the success of this campaign? Keep in mind I am working for a medium company and there is a lot of back and fro and “meetings” etc., so I need to be armed with some good stuff to impress them and then get the job done.
My thinking in the priority list and getting started are:
- Try to come up with 2-3 keywords/phrases for the company together with the marketing dept, which I dont think they even have yet considering they just came up with the slogan.
- Review the web site to see where I can include as much useful keyword rich content as I can, without inundating a simple e-commerce site.
- Start writing or have someone else write content/reviews on our product so I can spread them around various article sites over the internet.
- Produce the all the HTML/meta tags for my boss to put into the code for the site. (Any advice on this?)
- Organize with the marketing dept about the videos and other blog/review content and try to consolidate or combine our efforts more to result in a better product.
- Google adwords, etc… the company will want to do this, but it will be so much more effective after the site is strong in SEO already.
- Someone from the marketing dept talked about link exchanges, but I think that’s a last priority… I have a feeling, maybe not warranted, that link exchanging is outdated and worthless.
ANY advice would be appreciated… I would do everything and anything to have this succeed and expand exponentially so I can hire and manage more people to expand this project even more… then it would be awesome and exciting! Thanks guys…