HTML ratio

How to reduce text to html ratio of the website.

If you are using any kind of CMS or site-builder, you will have limited control over the mark-up, and some can create a lot of code bloat.
With some CMS you may be able to get (or create yourself) a more lightweight template or framework.
The other option is to code the site yourself, which may or may not be practical.
At the end of the day, the site’s code is a product of what makes it, so if this kind of thing is important to you, make an informed choice about how you make the site in the first place, as it’s not something easy to retro-fit after you have taken a certain path.

I presume you mean increase the text to html ratio :slight_smile:

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Your question isn’t clear. Do you mean how to keep text from running off screen?


As I interpret this, it’s about the amount of mark-up Vs the actual content on a page.
For example a page with quite sparse content, made using site-buider, CMS template, framework, or just poor coding, may have a lot of excessive, unnecesary mark-up, such as multiple nested divs, each with a class attribute with multiple values or even in-line styling. I’m sure we have all seen code like this. The result is the vast majority of the data that makes up the HTML document is mark-up, not content. That may be considered a bad ratio.
On the other hand you may see a page with plenty of content which uses very minimalist coding. Here most of the document’s data is actual content, not mark-up. That may be considered a good ratio.

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