How important is a unique template?

Hi, did want to get a programmer to make my PSD into a oscommerce template but premium themes seem so cheap. Is it really that important for the template to be unique?


For me it doesn’t really matter. People want to visit a site that just ‘works’. As long as the site does what its intended to do as effectively as possible, visitors don’t really care.

Unless its a webdesign site then it might be slightly different.

If you can afford it - it’s always better.
Keep in mind that there’s no such thing as a 100% unique design, everything inspired from somewhere.

What’s important - is that your site doesn’t look exactly the same as a direct competitor in your industry. For example, if you’re selling chocolate - it’s no big deal if a company selling pet food has a similar layout. However, 20 pet food sites with exactly the same layout is a problem.

P.S - If you can, avoid Oscommerce. It’s like running a PC on DOS :slight_smile: