Help me about website page speed

my website is its slow down ,how i increase my website speed.

That’s a very vague question.

However, you are loading an awful lot of resources for your home page.

If you really need all those scripts and style sheets, then try to combine at least some of them, to reduce server requests. Likewise, check to see if you can combine any of those images into sprites.

You mention your site has slowed down; had you made any changes just before you noticed this happening?


The biggest single file is your logo image which is way bigger than it need to be.
It is 1517 pixels wide, but only appears on the site at 200px, a fraction of the size.
It could be reduced to 200px or 400 to support double density screens. Also it could be further reduced in file size by changing to Indexed Colour mode, since it does not require the full range of colours available in 8bit.



I would suggest the following

1.The images and scripts are more than 90% of the total request size.I would suggest you to use image compression to reduce image size.
2.Use minification to reduce script size.As I can see you are using only few minified javascript files .But by using mified versions for all the javascript files will surely inprove performance.
3.For css also you should use minification.

Also you can try combining different javascript files into single file.

I think you will get considerable boost by doing these.

The main (largest) image, the logo already uses PNG compression which is very efficient for images of that type. The issue with the image, as already stated is not with its compression, but the actual dimensions of the image being way larger than it needs to be.

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The HTML is being compressed, but the scripts and CSS are not. Compressing those (after reducing the size and/or number of them) would also help.

But the OP hasn’t returned to the forums in a week after posting this, so it seems they’re not particularly concerned.