neither TABLE nor PRE is obsolete
TABLE should remind you of databases, and in databases you have tables and columns, where each column must contain a single type of data (unlike excel, where each cell can hold any type of data)
PRE should remind you of “preformatted” and the best example of where to use it is called “ascii art”
consider this:
.' .-'''-. '.
/ .' _..._'. \\
__ : : /`;' ) : : _,="`\\
,--''` ``'.; : |; ,-; : ; __..==""==.,_|
`-, `; .\\; / ^\\ _,.="//
'-,_.--._ '.(;_.'__/`_.-'`\\
,.--''`` _..=. `'--.// `` \\
`--, '` `- |_\\ '-. |
`-._ _.;--`-..___,.-'`
`'-...-_:',;`==,| \\
_.--',=" / /"=;="=,
_.' ,=".-'` .' /| ,="
_.--' .-' "=, : .' | ",
`;._ .--'.' .-' .' . ;
,;;\\_ . '._.'--'` -' /
,;;;._ '-._ .''.__.'
`\\_ .' '._ /
'._ .(`
jgs '._ ';./
and now consider this:
.' .-'''-. '.
/ .' _..._'. \\
__ : : /`;' ) : : _,="`\\
,--''` ``'.; : |; ,-; : ; __..==""==.,_|
`-, `; .\\; / ^\\ _,.="//
'-,_.--._ '.(;_.'__/`_.-'`\\
,.--''`` _..=. `'--.// `` \\
`--, '` `- |_\\ '-. |
`-._ _.;--`-..___,.-'`
`'-...-_:',;`==,| \\
_.--',=" / /"=;="=,
_.' ,=".-'` .' /| ,="
_.--' .-' "=, : .' | ",
`;._ .--'.' .-' .' . ;
,;;\\_ . '._.'--'` -' /
,;;;._ '-._ .''.__.'
`\\_ .' '._ /
'._ .(`
jgs '._ ';./
exact same code in both cases