While I was thoroughly going through YouTube’s DOM and scripts… I noticed that they track you down to your street address even if you aren’t logged in for what they claim is to preload content to a series of their personal “preferred” account registered with your ISP. Creepy! lol. The weirdest bit is they add a little bit to the end after preloading to “watch” your “location”. This feature is even implemented for text-only google results o_O
Preloading? maybe… logging? it would seem so xD
A night of paranoia and procrastinating my dev project
I’m mostly joking about them watching you but it seems more likely than preloading a bunch of text to a very local preferred ISP account doesn’t it?
For instance;
You can find a slightly cryptic mention of their most local to you ISP account within their DOM preloading methods.
It’s all in their readable functionality and also in their not so readable…
I’m curious about some of the abilities of google’s crawlers, even with strict x-content settings and other hardening techniques the crawlers seem to hijack a lot of information. Kinda rude… >_>
Is google still running their reward for hacking chrome?
I noticed that chrome seems to make some sneaky little installations while you’re browsing the internet o_O
I wonder what a deviant could do by spoofing ytimg and replacing one of their little swf installations. It seems like it wouldn’t be that hard to query their unencrpyted sql databases they use to store everything from your credit card numbers to name, address, etc and return it by some sort of reverse process.