Do Same BackLink Profile Hurts Ranking?


I have 2 different product landing pages which are as under

  • My official website
  • MagentoConnect

It is my best selling product but i have never able to rank in top 3 for this extension. Now I have decided to rank them higher but due to workload I am not able to find different links for both landing pages, What I wish to do is to use same websites to generate links for both URLs. Will it attract Google penalty?

You’re unlikely to get any active penalty from putting a link to both pages from the same site … but the question I would ask is why you have two separate pages doing the same thing? All it does is dilute the links that you do have and spread that googlejuice thinner.

This what a common practice which has been followed by our all competitors. Remember that links are from 2 different domains. Instead of having one result in first page I would prefer to have 2 in top 7 position this is what my common eCommerce marketing sense tells me.

I personally feel that you should not obtain links for both your website from the same source. Google will very easily identify it and there are high changes that you will be penalized for this act.