Devs by which time you're in bed?

Hello everybody since i started to learn some web design languages i found myself spending a lot of time sometimes the whole day to try to learn and understand a piece of code or to fix a small problem with my website.(yes i may say am a nocive learner :blush:)
So my question for you developpers is that i would like to hear from your personal experience in managing time : How much time in average you work on your project ? by wich time you’re in bed ? and how do you do for optimazing your leraning process within a new language ?
Your answer is appreciated and valuable. Thxs

Personally, I don’t manage my time. I keep my own hours and do what I will when I will.

I have always been a night owl

I usually get around 6 and a half hours of sleep with a 10 hour “catch-up” every few days, and I do rarely doze off or nap.

But if there is an urgent “crisis” or I get into a coding jag even what little bit of routine I might usually have vaporizes and I will be at it for hours regardless of how long it’s been since when I woke up, taking brief breaks (interruptions) to tend to “business” and getting right back at it until done or too exhausted to continue.

I wouldn’t recommend my habits to anyone.

I will say Learn to Listen to your Body.
It knows what it wants and needs.

I have found that taking (short) breaks can actually improve my efficiency.

Something that I find odd but true, is how often I have struggled with a problem for a long time, gotten nowhere with it, given up and gone to sleep, and then have the answer come to me either while in half-sleep or in a dream.

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I have experienced this and heard a similar story from many people in various technology disciplines.

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lol I can’t picture this happening.

“Murphy!! Sleeping on the clock?”
“But boss, I do some of my best work while sleeping.”
“Oh, I’m sorry I woke you. Carry on.”


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