Mornings...What do you do?

Do you have a morning productivity routine? If so what is it…I wanna start one…

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Define “productivity”.

I don’t think that someone can be so productive especially when it is early in the morning. I myself really want to sleep when I arrive in the office, but what I usually do is schedule the stops that I need to finish.

I get up, have breakfast and start to work :wink:


i set my alarm clock to 0800 then hit the snooze every 10 minutes until 9 then i wake up and go to work.

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The alarm goes off at 05:45, I ignore it, my wife makes me a cup of tea which arrives about 06:00, she gets up and showers, I sleep with the TV on, she gets dressed and goes to feed the cats, I sleep, I probably get up at 06:45, I start work at 07:00, I get there at about 07:30, I feed coal to my laptop until it’s warmed up a little, by about 07:45 I may be poking through the email, I probably grab a coffee at 10:00, by 12:00 I’m probably awake and functioning. I don’t do mornings…


Morning productivity aids:

  • Waking time routine - wake up at the same time, every single day. Working or not. This will help tremendously with the body’s adjustment. Followed by
  • Bedtime routine - go to sleep as close to the same time every day as you can, see above.
  • Cold showers - if you can’t bear the thought, start it warm or lukewarm and taper it down to cold.
  • Coffee
  • Don’t start your day sifting email or updates or pondering your task list. Prepare your task list or 3 objectives or whatever productivity method you use the night before if you aren’t a morning person, and when you start work, hammer into the biggest rock first. Some people dislike this; others say it forces them to be awake and alert.

For me personally… My alarms begin to go off at 5:00. I’m usually out of bed by 5:15 and shower, coffee, and out the door by 5:45 or 5:50. Commute to work, arriving around 6:30 or 6:40. Then… I wish I could go back to sleep at my desk.

FWIW the times I’ve cracked down and did sleep routines and cold showers and such, my life was better - I promise. I just like hot water and I like staying up too late after kids are sleeping and I like sleeping in on weekends. lol :smile:

Work in progress.

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Sorry, but can someone explain, what are mornings? :cold_sweat:

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wow…not very many morning people huh? lol I got up at 4am today. I journaled about my personal life for a few min, then journaled about my business goals and plans. I made some coffee and wrote out my tasks for the day. Then started working. I also pick the biggest project or the one I like least to do first…

My problem is I’m naturally a night owl. If I don’t watch myself, I can find myself staying up until 3-4 am.

But my typical morning routine revolves around family first. I get up between 5:30 and 5:45 during the week (7am on weekends), make sure the dogs get their breakfast before I get mine. Then it’s get the kids up and moving (an effort which can be daunting since they’re teenagers), then it’s time for shower and getting ready to leave for work.

At work, it’s check the emails, then my work item list, for the things I need to get done for the day and in what order. Then I start down that path.

firstly I see the newspaper than I play game

The same question. I get up at 1.00pm :):slight_smile:

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Morning? I sleep.
I live by night, for the most. :smiley:

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