Converting SWF to FLA?

I might have lost my FLAs to a hard drive crash. IT’S A TOTAL NIGHTMARE!
Is there a conversion too that will allow me to get my SWFs to convert back to FLAs?
I think there is.
Thanks and happy new year.

Best bet -
But it cant figure out user defined variables in AS3 but does a passable decompilation.

From personal experience i have found decompiling to be ok for small swfs but once you get into larger swf’s/fla’s then it can be a bit of a nightmare.

When I am presented with an swf from a client and asked to mod it I usually start from scratch. I do check and see what the decompiler spits out though but 9 out of 10 times i will just go ahead and start from scratch.

Just so you all know my external hard drive crashed so I feared I lost my original FLAs. I thought I might have to convert my old Swfs to FLAs. I am happy to say everything worked out and we got my old FLAs back.