Cant find Disk Usage in window7

hi all

i have 4 partitions in my pc hard disk

my first partition c drive is almost full

Its around 55 gb partition.

All installed softwares including windows7 have taken space of 22 gb.

Now i am not able to find where is the rest 23 gb being used ?


Hi @vinpkl. Did you have a look in programs and features?

hi donboe

yes i checked programs and features,
it says
Currently installed programs total size 4.88 gb
22 programs installed


Did you looked at system restore and the paging file, those can take up quite some space

hi donboe

where is system restore and paging file located ?

also do you want me to remove paging file ?


Surely you can find this information in File Explorer?

No don’t remove the paging file.

Edit: You can however adjust the setting. What you can do as well is download WinDirStat (disk usage statistics ) and handle things from there

Maybe a defrag would help free up some?

I didn’t think defrag cleared any space, just jiggles it around. Mebbe I’m wrong.

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I’d usually do a disk clean-up before defragging.


YES, DISC clean-up was the solution.

I was surprised Disc clean-up option showed temporary files of 20gb.

dont know which software was making those temporary files.

Now my c drive has the space it needed.

thanks a lot all of you for the help.

special thanks to @chrisofarabia



Windows disk clean-up only cleans so much unwanted space. You might find CCleaner of help too.

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Internet Exploder, FireFox, Chrome, most if not all browsers (by default) cache the webpages you see so to cut down on network traffic by loading the cached versions. If you set your browser(s) to clear the cache upon exit, this will greatly reduce the temp files piling up on your hard drive.

Also, every time you install a program, the temp folder is used as a kind of staging area for many applications. It’s a good idea to occasionally peruse the temp folder and remove anything that is older than a month.


^ _ ^

(I was a PC tech before I became involved in web.)


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