Blog articles and re-posting

Working in Blogger.
After 100+ posts I was running out ideas for new topics that would make worthwhile articles and began re-posting. There are some drawbacks but I think it’s working ok for me and the alternative is quitting.
I have removed posts I didn’t like and then rewritten them 6 months later but the most satisfaction comes from rewriting an existing article, in a text file, and keeping the title and top part similar. Generally a 500-600 word post results in a 900-1200 word article with things said that I wish I had said originally.
When complete I edit the Blogger post and change the date to today in Post Options, and then re-post it.

A post on re-posting that I need to re-post.

It’s still a struggle.

I think that you are tempting disaster. I think that you could just invite your readers to contribute. If you’re running out of ideas, then you should look at what other blogs are doing, and maybe get more traffic to the site you have.

I have started to do that a bit more. I recently started carrying around a mini notebook with me too. It seems silly but I have found that best ideas usually come to me when I am not in front of a computer.

The Simple Dollar is a great blog and that’s a good idea, I also have a post that lists (1-2 lines) my best articles which will resurface sometime. I don’t think duplicating content is a good idea either, I’m only suggesting adding and significantly improving the content and moving it to the top.

I have found myself having the same problem sometimes too. After writing 100 plus blog posts or articles, you start to run out of ideas. One thing I like to do is visit the free keyword suggestion tool via Word Tracker. I am unsure of the site address right now, but it can easily be found with a standard internet search.

I then take a few words or phrases from my blog. For example, one of the sites I have is preschool themed with crafts, activities, worksheets, and so forth. So I usually try something like “preschool crafts” in the keyword suggestion tool. I’ll get a bunch of different phrases people search with. Some are more detailed than others.

For example, once I think I found preschool crafts with leaves. That phrase alone gave me a worth week of content. I sat down and branched off that simple phrase.

You might want to try this approach.

I’ve seen a blog where one post is a dedicated “time machine” linking to “blast from the past” articles.

One such example:

Here’s the main page:

I find this solution more appropriate than posting duplicate content. The post itself is unique and offers links and summaries for posts that might not have been seen before by newer visitors.

I got a few blogs which I’m not updating anymore, so I’m rotating the old posts via a wordpress plugin. Google doesn’t sees it as new content because the URL’s aren’t changing (I have no date set in my permalinks) only the surfers.

effective and successful article marketing only takes less than 45 minutes a day to do. all you need to do is write your thoughts down. I can do 600 words on a Microsoft Word file in less than 20 minutes

No. It’s too time consuming and writing does not come easily with me, yet enjoyable within a limit.

I really wouldn’t do that. Because you aren’t throwing new information at your visitors, they will probably have a good incentive to not visit your blog anymore. Depending on your niche, a good thing to do is find some guest bloggers to put up posts. Never stop thinking of ideas, you might want to overlap a bit on an adjacent niche to yours so you still put up new content.

Article spinning adds very little value

When you find yourself running out of ideas, have you ever considered writing articles about things off the top of your head, and submit them to article directories, to build up your backlinks and web traffic?

Honestly I think instead of reposting, why not just add more value to the article. I mean, same topic but a complete new article with new information.

Have you ever considered writing and submitting articles to online article directories?

you can also do article spinning :))

Not all topics may need that treatment.

A few articles I wrote 5 years ago are still valid today, barring very minor edits.

Or you can make another category that is closely related to your topic and write a compare and contrast blog.

How about offering some freebies related to your niche in order to break the monotony? You can write a small article explaining the item and then placed the link on the download page towards the end. Just to keep the blog going and who knows some new ideas will crop up later.

Well, not everyone can write articles or have the time to do so, you can always hire a freelance writer to do the dirty work :wink:

Do you think you can get into the positive habit of writing at least 1 article a day and submitting to an online article directory?