Hello all,
PHP managing editor here with some brief information about becoming an author for us. I do this post every couple of months on the main channel, but I figure if we can sticky it here we can make the information more accessible.
If you’d like to write for us, ping me at bruno.skvorc@sitepoint.com with a draft in MarkDown. Essentially, there are three types of post you can write for us:
- Quick Tip: A quick tip guiding a user through installing or using a product or tactic. Seek inspiration here.
- Regular post, a review, an opinion, a news article, theory. Requires at least 800 words.
- In depth tutorial with downloadable and demo code that people can actually run and see in action. The goal of these is to come away with some practical knowledge that people can use in real world projects. At least 1200 words, at most 2500. Anything more, and we usually split it into a series.
When you’re accepted into the author roster, you’ll be given access to our Trello board, which contains hundreds of pre-approved topics you can pick from. You’ll also be given an author profile in our backend, with the ability to modify your bio and social links, as well as all your articles before they’re published - note that once they’re published, they become read only for you. The back end also lets you use our CDN for image uploads.
If you have no idea what to write about, let me know. If you can show me some of your previous sample writing or code, I’ll let you into Trello even before the first draft, so you can make one of the approved topics your first one.
Any questions about the process? Let me know in this thread and I’ll try and keep up
Note: Do not ask about payment here. These matters are discussed privately once you’re in the roster and can vary depending on your output, quality, reaction of readers, and more.