Classified ads - Best Way to Start

Hello to all! My name is chris, am new here and am trying to get some answers from the best here,
am looking to start a very good classified ads website here in my country because there is a really good opportunity since no one is actually doing it.

I need something ready to start working on it, any suggestions?
thank you in advance.

Hi cbugst3r, welcome to the forums! :slightly_smiling_face:

I have no suggestion or recommendations, sorry. :thinking:

Have you tried any of the Wordpress templates that’s out there?

If not, try some out to get ideas what you want your site to offer the users.

Theme Forrest is a well known theme maker, Please mind that I’ve not encountered their templates in this regard.

Example of template reviews:


hey ,thanks for your answer,

currently at this moment am watching this, i think is good for me, am not an expert but looks easy to setup.

adforest is nice 2!!! hmmmm

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Please let us know how your project turns out, ask again or create a new topic if there’s issues you can’t sort out. :slightly_smiling_face:

Something important is membership. You will need something so members can sign in and where you can have member’s information.

Something else that is important is the data. You will need to design what data to store for the members but also for each advertisement.

There are many ways for people to respond to an advertisement. In Craig’s List it is possible to send a message (to the person offering something) using a special email address so that the person’s real email address is not disclosed. You can think of things like that so that you can protect the privacy of members.

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so far the one i mention on the top is doing alot about the privacy etc, i will slowly start research now and when i hit the first problem i will come again for sure. for me privacy and user data is very crucial because there are many money in the line when it comes to daily advertisements and promotions.

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You can use wordpress advance classified pro plugin to get your website ready in few minutes. Its completely free.

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The OP hasn’t returned to this post so there seems no point in continuing to offer advice.

Topic closed.

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