How create classified ads using wordpress

i’m interst making free classified ads using wordpress, anyone can help me how to make it? and what plugin that i’ve to install in it?

No one mentioned this, which is a popular free plugin with lots of upgrades: Another Wordpress Classifieds Plugin. Cheaper than Classipress and works with any theme.

Try this one -

Check out this plugin:

He has a link to a demo of it too. Looks nice! :slight_smile:

Im not sure of what exactly you want, but here is the list of pgins you can have in WP:

@ Trisha Cupra, thx 4 your info, i’ll try it soon. can you tell me the the site that’ve already install it?

Classipress is the one I think the best for your needs…


I am also planning to use this for my new real estate classified… It is always easy to use wordpress than a real classified ad script…

Is there a wp theme for classifieds that has search features and the ability to actually do an advanced search?

if not, where would you get a classifieds website theme and which is better for adding adsense, affiliate links and such?

Also, which is better for a newbie?

Classipress is the one. But the only problem is that its not free

Classipress is far, far out of my financial range - does anyone know of a word press classified them that is much cheaper?

Thanks MajorHart