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Learn how to reduce bottlenecks, visualize workflow, with the kanban board and combine with scrum plus scrumban pointers
The unique reasons for taking this course are:
Includes Narration from Christian Carvajal
What is Kanban?
Kanban is a method for just in time delivery of tasks (such as products services, support and maintenance) without overloading our workforce . Based on my experience, it is the most popular way to meet just in time delivery for a lean businesses while increasing efficiency.
In this course you will learn:
Paul Ashun
Paul is the CEO/Managing Director and Chief Consultant at Pashun Consulting Ltd, author of Scrum Mega Pack, Senior Developer , a Certified Scrum Master and coach with experience in international blue chip companies dating back to 1999. That experience includes leading projects for the BBC, General Electric, Oracle, BSkyB, HiT Entertainment (responsible for Angelina Ballerina, Bob the Builder and other titles that you love watching with your kids or siblings but won't admit to) and Razorfish. These roles have all involved leadership on a wealth of mobile, internet TV and web software projects.
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