Use Analytics and data to build better projects. Covering UX theory, tools and Analytics we'll lift the lid on data-driven myths, analytics pitfalls, vanity metrics, A/B testing and tracking metrics across events and eCommerce transactions.
Analytics are made up of data that can be analyzed to draw logical conclusions, and for UX design specifically, that data contains information about the users of your app or website, such as their age, their location, their interests, or simply their behavior — that is, how they use your app or website.
With this information, you can draw logical conclusions about who your users are and what they're looking for, and when you know what they're looking for, you can deliver it.
This book is a short beginner's guide to the topic of using analytics to inform UX design. You'll learn why analytics is important, what to watch out for, and some tools and techniques that you can employ today.
It contains:
This book is for anyone who wants to get an understanding of how analytics might be used to improve site design and UX. No specialist knowledge is assumed.
This book is for anyone who wants to get an understanding of how analytics might be used to improve site design and UX. No specialist knowledge is assumed.
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