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If you're a JavaScript developer struggling to get to grips with TypeScript or use it effectively in your projects, this book will guide you in making the most of this powerful language and its latest features, and help you overcome some common misunderstandings and pitfalls.
TypeScript 5.0 is a major advancement to the user-friendliness and flexibility of the language. It nudges us toward better coding practices, promotes cleaner code, and catches potential errors before they become a headache. It's a great time to start using TypeScript, but if you're a JavaScript developer struggling to get to grips with the language or use it effectively in your projects, this short book is for you. It will guide you in making the most of this powerful language and its latest features, and help you overcome some common misunderstandings and pitfalls.
It covers:
This book is for intermediate-level JavaScript developers who want to get to grips with the powerful features that TypeScript offers.
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This book was a good read although short. I wish the author would share more in future,Like a detailed Advanced typescript overview.Am glad he did not start with basics as majority readers already know the basics but when straight to some nifty procedures.I enjoyed.Looking to read more Typescript from this author
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