I liked the story telling style and the ideas for working remotely in context of the situations.
If you work from home, a coworking space, or coffee shop, this book is for you. Discover how to set up a quality workspace. Learn the behaviors and practices that contribute to remote worker success. You, too, can thrive in a distributed workplace.
People aren't typically taught how to thrive in a distributed workplace. Sure, they formally study to learn a specific occupation: design, marketing, sales, development, finance, law, or education. But can they perform that occupation at a high level when they're not physically with other people? Remote workers have to learn on their own. If you work from home, a coworking space, or coffee shop, this book is for you. The author's anecdotes about his 21-year remote work journey will inform and entertain you. Discover how to set up a quality workspace. Learn the behaviors and practices that contribute to remote worker success. You, too, can thrive in a distributed workplace.
I liked the story telling style and the ideas for working remotely in context of the situations.
I didn't really learn much, but I really like the writing style. And I appreciated the author's perspective. I think it's worth reading.
The book is nice to read but it's kind of diary
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