Learn Bash with the 'Hard Way' method. It's the best way to develop your skills, and takes you from confusion to understanding in easy-to-follow steps.
This book will train you to be a master in bash, a technology that's more often used than understood.
It uses the 'Hard Way' method, the best way to develop your skills.
Based on many years of experience, the book takes you through what you need to know to understand what's going on when you look at others' bash scripts, and write your own.
Ian Miell has over twenty years' experience in IT, writing, running, architecting, and maintaining software for some of the world's busiest systems.
He has written the books 'Docker in Practice' (published by Manning), 'Learn Bash the Hard Way' (published on Leanpub), as well as various training courses and videos.
He blogs about his experiences at https://zwischenzugs.com
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