the examples are great to work with and to understand over. from one step to the other.
Learning CoffeeScript will empower you to write better JavaScript, accomplishing more while expending much less sweat! If you have some knowledge of web programming concepts and want to streamline writing JavaScript, this book is for you.
the examples are great to work with and to understand over. from one step to the other.
Launches straight into the good stuff: second line of the book is code.
I have the print book - where is the code for this??
Castledine does a nice job of covering both beginning and what I would consider more advanced CoffeeScript features in 6 chapters. (Chapter 7 is just a wrapup.) His writing is humorous, engaging and it's pretty cool that you end up with a playable game at the end! My only complaint is that, since I don't know anything about game development, I found myself having to "look past" the game aspects of the sample code to see his points about the CoffeeScript features he was illustrating.
Very good coffeescript. Need more compiler instructions.
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