Forty-three project ideas, plus wireframes for each idea, four sample designs, and two full builds all to aid your practice and help you kick the snot out of the Apocalypse
This book, as the title implies, is a set of challenges to help you take your web skills to the next level. While these challenges are silly and fun, they also represent many of the different websites you’ll build as a web designer and/or developer. One of the major soft skills of these jobs is the ability to take requirements that are sometimes obscure, sometimes confusing, and sometimes conflicting and create something interesting, coherent, and usable by the website’s audience (he says, defending the obscure, confusing, and conflicting challenge requirements in this book. Joking aside, clients often give you exactly, that and it’s your job to figure it out the best you can). These skills, just like those of development and design, are best built like muscles, through practice and consistent use.
Take these forty-three challenges and build them as you see fit. Pick one that interests you, and then another. Follow the loose calendar and build one a month. Build them all in one feverish weekend. Whatever works for you is fine, but if you’re unsure what will be best or need a nudge, I recommend you create a consistent, regular practice to help you solidify these skills. Like so many things, they are use-it-or-lose-it skills, so consistent practice is ideal.
John is a storyteller with design and development skills. By day he designs and builds websites and mobile apps, by night he spins sci-fi stories at StoryLab ( and counts his words carefully at He's a pineapple in disguise and (as you know) tries to make learning web development fun by helping you kill zombies
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