Good upto the poinnt book for beginners to try out node & mongoDB.
In this tutorial, we’ll be using Node.js and the Express framework to build a registration form, which persists its data to a MongoDB database. We’ll add a view to list successful registration, which we’ll protect with basic HTTP authentication, and we’ll use Bootstrap to add some styling.
If you’re just getting started with Node.js and want to try your hand at building a web app, things can often get a little overwhelming. Once you get beyond the “Hello, World!” tutorials, much of the material out there has you copy-pasting code, with little or no explanation as to what you’re doing or why.
This means that, by the time you’ve finished, you’ve built something nice and shiny, but you also have relatively few takeaways that you can apply to your next project.
In this tutorial, I’m going to take a slightly different approach. Starting from the ground up, I’ll demonstrate how to build a no-frills web app using Node.js, but instead of focusing on the end result, I’ll focus on a range of things you’re likely to encounter when building a real-world app. These include routing, templating, dealing with forms, interacting with a database and even basic authentication.
We’ll be using Node.js and the Express framework to build a simple registration form with basic validation, which persists its data to a MongoDB database. We’ll add a view to list successful registration, which we’ll protect with basic HTTP authentication, and we’ll useBootstrap to add some styling. The tutorial is structured so that you can follow along step by step.
Good upto the poinnt book for beginners to try out node & mongoDB.
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