Really good for Beginner
This hands-on introduction to creating Android apps shows how to install and get started with Android Studio 2, display notifications, create rich user interfaces, use activities and intents, master views and menus, manage data, work with SMS, and package and publish apps to the Android market.
A hands-on introduction to the latest release of the Android OS and the easiest Android tools for developers
As the dominant mobile platform today, the Android OS is a powerful and flexible platform for mobile device. The new Android 7 release (New York Cheesecake) boasts significant new features and enhancements for both smartphone and tablet applications. This step-by-step resource takes a hands-on approach to teaching you how to create Android applications for the latest OS and the newest devices, including both smartphones and tablets.
Beginning Android Programming with Android Studio starts with the basics and goes on to provide you with everything you need to know to begin to successfully develop your own Android applications.
Really good for Beginner
Pretty decent, but not as clear or as natural as the last Android book you had on SitePoint that I sadly never finished.
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